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Earthquake: Another alert from the agents of Nature
Earthquake is not an accident. Let us not shy away from stating that It is more of a well calculated action by the agents...
Knowing more about Srimati Radha on Radhastami day
Loved, directly or indirectly, by one and all, moving and non-moving beings, Srimati Radharani, more commonly known as Radha, Radhika, Radhe and many other...
Resolved – Is Krishna an expansion of Vishnu or is it the other way...
In my childhood I was told that Lord Krishna is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. I grew up with that in mind. Most people...
Divine purpose of ancient Indian Temple dance
The Natya Shastra of Bharatmuni describes the divine origin of classical dance. As Lord Brahma created the fifth Veda by incorporating the “Pathyam” or...
Addressing the unending quest for God – A practical approach
Every human being thinks about God although the intensity and quality of such thoughts may vary. They could be favorable or unfavorable. This is...