“Reject them. Reject them immediately!”


Scientists admit they were wrong. Millions have died as a result of this mistake.

In 2014 TIME Magazine published on its cover recanting a very serious mistake. Here is a plain evidence that scientists have given the wrong conclusion which resulted in an industry of cholesterol lowering drugs worth billions of dollars. Thus one can see the hand of deception in advertising and politics. The result of this “mistake” was millions of deaths and some organizations profited immensely from these kinds of mistakes with drugs that do more harm than good.

Magazine knowledge is risky. Take what you read with a heavy pinch of salt because they are more interested in magazine/advertising sales than your welfare. How often have you noticed that the magazine claims one thing and then does a complete turnaround?

Beware though that they may just do this to promote another fat based industry behind the scenes. Such are the workings of the world of unscrupulous money driven corporate businesses. It is said that the love of money and power is the root of all evil.

The proof stands below in black and white. Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental wisdom and vision exposed this trickery immediately.  Eventually, in this case after more than 50years, the scientists themselves admit defeat, yet the process of deception in the name of science goes on.

 “As Krishna is sac-cid-ananda-vigrahaḥ (Bs. 5.1), He is form, transcendental form, eternal form, full of knowledge, full of bliss, similarly we are also, although particle, the same quality. Therefore it is said, na jayate. This problem, this rascal civilization, they cannot understand that I am eternal, I am put into this condition of birth and death. No rascal understands. So-called philosophers, scientists, all of them, therefore rascals, fools. Reject them. Reject them immediately. That working hard. The same: nunam pramattaḥ kurute vikarma (SB 5.5.4). Just like madman works. What is the value of madman’s work? If he’s busy whole day and night, I am very busy. So what you are sir? You are a madman. Your brain is cracked, crazy. So what is the value of your work? But this is going on.”

How Many Lives have the Bogus Research of Ancel Keys Ruined?

So as some in the national mainstream media have now been apparently given the green light to start printing the truth regarding saturated fats, the sordid history of how the attack on saturated fats began is being told. Here it is according to Time.com:

time1n2The war against fat was started by one man: Much of what we think we know about the supposed dangers of high fat intake comes from a single research project by a charismatic Minnesota pathologist named Ancel Keys. His Seven Countries Study compared the health and diet of nearly 13,000 middle-aged men in the U.S., Japan and Europe, and ostensibly found that populations that consumed large amounts of saturated fats in meat and dairy had high levels of heart disease, while those who eat more grains, fish, nuts and vegetables did not. The influential Keys relentlessly advocated the theory that fat caused heart disease, persuading the AHA in 1961 to issue the country’s first-ever guidelines targeting saturated fat—and he wasn’t shy about shouting down any researcher who questioned his data.

Yet it turns out there was a lot to question. Keys chose the countries most likely to confirm his hypothesis, while excluding nations like France—where the diet is rich in fat but heart disease is rare—that might have challenged it. “When researchers went back and analyzed some of the data from the Seven Countries study, they found that what best correlated with heart disease was no saturated fat intake but sugar,” says Teicholz. (Source.)

But this story is not being told for the first time. This is a summer re-run of an old story that has been in print for decades, as Dr. Mary Enig wrote about the short-comings of Ancel Keys work numerous times in the 1990s and beyond.

In 2011, Paul John Scott wrote an editorial for the Star Tribune criticizing the University of Minnesota research of Ancel Keys. In a very astute commentary he clearly showed just why the mainstream media and Big Pharma were not so eager to criticize the junk science of Ancel Keys, and why even today this anti-saturated fat myth will continue to be official USDA dietary dogma:

In fact, one could argue that Minnesota-based research has its fingerprints on the most damaging wrong turn ever taken in how we think about cardiovascular illness, a mistake that continues to cost our nation in sickness and in dollars, and one for which health authorities remain too embarrassed, confused, blinded by ideology or loyalty to tribe to concede.

We told the world that heart disease is caused by elevated cholesterol and that reducing saturated fat in the diet reduces this risk. That led the country to embrace the lowering of cholesterol with medications.

All of those assumptions have proven themselves to be either overstated, oversimplified or wrong, and that has led us astray. Would it be too much for the leading cardiologists in our community to admit as much?

“It was also nearly 60 years ago,” as Dr. Daniel J. Garry extolled on these pages (“Treating heart disease at the U: A story of steady innovations,” April 14), “that University of Minnesota scientists — Dr. Ancel Keys along with Drs. Francisco Grande and Joseph Anderson — defined the relationship between dietary fat and serum cholesterol, which linked cholesterol to heart disease.”

Garry went on to praise the creation of cholesterol-lowering drugs that stemmed from Keys’ work.

Keys constructed his hypothesis after studying the diets and heart disease in countries across the globe.

But his research left out nations with data that did not match the hypothesis, and even within the data he published, populations existed in which diet and heart disease were wildly out of synch with his model.

By 1970, an English researcher named John Yudkin would argue that sugar in the diet was the cause of heart disease in wealthy nations, but Keys, sensing that his theory was suddenly vulnerable to reconsideration, aggressively led the charge to have that research discredited.

Today, the low-fat advice that ensued from Keys’ research is seen as having had a blowback. It caused a rise in our consumption of refined carbohydrates and added sugars, thereby causing metabolic syndrome characterized by a rise in triglycerides and a lowering of HDL, or good cholesterol.

Statins lower LDL, or “bad cholesterol,” and thanks to Keys, the lowering of LDL has become “the primary focus of preventive medicine in the United States,” in the words of Dr. John Abramson, author of “Overdosed America.” (Source.)

Yes, the research of Ancel Keys led not only to poor dietary guidelines which have fooled people for decades, but it also led to the development of the most lucrative class of drugs ever sold in the history of mankind: cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. Source http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/time-magazine-we-were-wrong-about-saturated-fats/

For more information on this kind of cheating propensity that take us away from natural and cheaper treatments please take a look at this Video.
If you don’t want to watch the whole video of 1.5 hours just watch the 10 minutes from 30 minutes mark into the video.



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