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Daamodara Dhananjaya Das

Daamodara Dhananjaya Das

Innovative Outreach Event for celebrating ISKCON 50th Anniversary

On account of the 50th Anniversary of ISKCON, we, at ISKCON Ahmedabad, have been working together as team, for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada....


Do these huts have the clue to Earth’s magnetic pole reversals?

Patches of ground where huts were burned down in southern Africa contain a key mineral that recorded the magnetic field at the time of...

What to do when we realize we are wrong

It wouldn't be an overstatement to say that everyone makes mistake. In fact people are bound to make mistakes as that is how human...

Key to success in Yoga and Meditation

As yoga awareness increases, more people are joining meditation classes and reading yoga books. It is a fact that yoga and meditation, when conducted...

What can the Judiciary do when the Bosses are corrupt

If you noticed, during the last few years a good number of scandals have come to light in India. There have been several revelations...

Not only Milk, Cows Give Water

The title above is not about your 'skimmed' watered-down milk  or the excess milk that safe, happy and healthy cows drop on grazing lands...