Fracking, 4th Industrial Revolution and the Great reset
You might have heard of the 4th Industrial revolution and it is going to change the way we live, a paradigm shift from todays...
Water! Water! Water!
Water, Water – And you thought the Corona Crisis was Bad!
I managed an organic farm in Gujarat in 2017, sustainability was a major feature...
Coronavirus – Curse, Conspiracy or Karmic reaction?
With Coronavirus inflicted Covid-19 sweeping the world the internet and social media are flooded with Coronavirus related news, fake news, information, disinformation, misinformation, speculations,...
India tags Narendra Modi as Invincible – Should you be concerned?
All speculations and claims are over. India's democracy has given its verdict in no unclear terms. Sri Narendra Modi has indisputably proven to be...
Election 2019 is the toughest ever challenge to Indian voters
The Republic of India is going to general elections in a few days, from 11th April to 19th May. Who will occupy the 543...
Tips to permanently improve India Pakistan relationship
With India's increasing influence in world politics, India Pakistan relationship has seen a greater interest from major world powers. It took central stage especially...
Minimum Income Guarantee – Political masterstroke or Historic blunder?
In a historic move, the Congress president Rahul Gandhi has promised what he called a minimum income guarantee for every poor person in India,...
Need for Animal Shelters in India
The presence of large number of animals that roam the streets of villages and cities in India is unfortunately the result of lack of...
Main causes of repeating California fires
It's outright ignorance to turn a blind eye to the root cause of such repeated devastating wildfires and look for political gain every single...
Will the Statue of Unity bring unity to India?
Towering tribute to a towering leader, the Statue of Unity is a befitting offering to Sri Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the leader par excellence whose historical...
Are asteroids really a threat to Earth? Here is a reality check
The latest claim by modern scientists on an asteroid makes me tell you a joke.
A child was sitting in his room continuously shredding papers....
Researchers get closer to Varnashrama dharma concept
A recently published news story quickly caught my attention. It suggested that there are principally four types of personalities. After carrying out a research project of...
Balarama Purnima – The Appearance day of Lord Balaram
Just like Lord Krishna's appearance day is known as Krishna Janmastami, the appearance day of Lord Balaram, who is the elder brother of Krishna,...
Congratulations India! Government imposes nationwide ban on sale of cows for slaughter
This, indeed, is a welcome news for a civilized country like India. Continuing with its 3-year old tradition of fulfilling reasonable public expectations, the...
After 70 years of Hiroshima bombing did we learn anything?
As I read through the headlines as to how the world remembers the infamous Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing by the U.S., with all sympathy...