Home Agriculture and Farming

Agriculture and Farming

Articles, News, videos, and Research work on farming and agriculture

mayapur goshala

The Primary Citizens – A glimpse into Sri Mayapur Goshala

In Srimad Bhagavatam 10.8.16 purport, Srila Prabhupada says that Lord Krishna's first business is to give all comfort to the cows and the brahmanas. In...
pathmeda flood

Real reason for Pathmeda Goshala tragedy

Pathmeda is famous for having Asia's biggest goshalas, or cowsheds. The organization shelters thousands of cows and raises funds from various cow products.While it...
serve cow

Why Complete ban on Cow slaughter in India is Crucial

Since time immemorial, India has been worshipping cattle. They have always had a dominant role in the worship, rituals, temple culture, agriculture and foremostly...
declare cow national animal, says high court justice

Rajasthan High Court: Make slaughter punishable by life term. Declare Cow as National Animal

In a lengthy yet pleasant statement, the Rajasthan High Court has strongly recommended that the cow be honored as India's national animal. The retiring...
cow sale for slaughter banned

Congratulations India! Government imposes nationwide ban on sale of cows for slaughter

This, indeed, is a welcome news for a civilized country like India.  Continuing with its 3-year old tradition of fulfilling reasonable public expectations, the...
cattles cows

Temples for Cattle Protection in India

The present scenario of cattle on the streets of India and some of the state government's goshalas is highly deplorable. The cattle feed on...
cow is not just another cattle

Pressing need for cattle conservation in modern India

Modern day India empathizes with the utter dismal and pathetic conditions of cattle, especially cow, calves and bulls. The ancient Indian culture that was...

Another revelation – Rice farming in India older than previously thought

Latest research on archaeological sites of the ancient Indus Civilisation, which stretched across what is now Pakistan and northwest India during the Bronze Age,...

Viewing Assam floods from a higher perspective

As the rain god continues to flood Assam, almost two million people from 23 districts are affected with death toll reported 26.  Floods are...

HAARP, possible cause for India’s dwindling agriculture resources

A shocking report by Indian Council of Agriculture Research has strengthened an already existing theory that blames the US developed High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme,...


Earthquake: Another alert from the agents of Nature

Earthquake is not an accident. Let us not shy away from stating that It is more of a well calculated action by the agents...

Knowing more about Sri Navadvipa Mandal Parikrama

It all started with Lord Nityananda Himself taking His dear devotee, Jiva Gosvami, on a tour to this mystical and most merciful land of Sri Chaitanya...
black money holders sent for a six

Philosophy in action – PM Modi’s masterstroke sends black money holders for a Six

Shocked to learn Narendra Modi's announcement saying 500 and 1000 Rupee notes will become illegal from that same midnight? Expect more such concrete and...

Don’t let them steal your privacy

Seeing an unprecedented number of unscrupulous people going all out to exploit women's privacy, a few months back we posted a cautionary article in order...

Knowing more about Lord Sri Balarama on His Appearance day

We know Lord Krishna and Krishna Janmastami but not all of us know much about Lord Balarama, or Balaram, the transcendental elder brother of...