ISKCON Kondaveedu performs Bhumi puja for a new temple

Kondavvedu is a historical place, where Rajas (Kings) of the then Reddy dynasty built a fort on a hill, located in the Guntur district of...

Malaysia gets a new temple of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna

ISKCON has added one more feather to its image of being a society of people from many different nations, cultures, religions, and languages, who come together and...

Ever well-wisher | ISKCON Book Distribution

We all know that Srila Prabhupada signed letters with 'Your ever well-wisher.' This morning in class I asked Vaisesika Prabhu a question: How not to...
Lord Shiva

Book Distribution with Lord Shiva’s Blessings

By: Nanda Priya Nivedita Dasi ISKCON News on Dec. 19, 2014 Click to see larger image When Lord Shiva opened his doors - chicken stalls turned...

South Africa’s Constitutional Court hears from Jayadvaita Swami

The 10th of December 2014 marked the 18th Anniversary of the signing of the South African Constitution. This day was also the commemoration of the disappearance...

The causeless mercy of the Srimad Bhagavatam

Whose home does Srimad-Bhagavatam choose? The home of one who's been raised through and through in the Bhagavata culture? Or one who outright rejects the Vedas'...

Overcoming dualities and turning a negative into a positive

When we distribute books, we really see the dualities of this world. I was distributing at Venice Beach in Los Angeles, probably the biggest...

Book distribution transforms a celebration into a perfect sankirtan party

Book distribution has always attracted those who want to attract Srila Prabhupada's mercy. Devotees at ISKCON know how Srila Prabhupada emphasized on this particular...

A Book distribution story

Today was the first day I went on Sankirtana in more than a month. I went from Australia, to Malaysia, to Taiwan, to L.A....


Reasons why Cows are entitled to roam on Indian roads

Cows roaming on Indian roads may have attracted some criticism but no criticism should force us to deviate from our duty. This is particularly...

Don’t let them steal your privacy

Seeing an unprecedented number of unscrupulous people going all out to exploit women's privacy, a few months back we posted a cautionary article in order...

Researchers get closer to Varnashrama dharma concept

A recently published news story quickly caught my attention. It suggested that there are principally four types of personalities. After carrying out a research project of...

Serious about Happiness? This information can change your life

Ever been unhappy in your life? How much did you work to get there? No one works hard to get unhappy but it nonetheless...

Conspiracy theories that turn out to be true

Be it Stonehenge in England or Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, such prehistoric monuments do create not only curiosity but also fear in the minds...