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Hello India

All about India. Includes both spiritual and material topics.

agriculture water

Water! Water! Water!

Water, Water – And you thought the Corona Crisis was Bad! I managed an organic farm in Gujarat in 2017, sustainability was a major feature...

Coronavirus – Curse, Conspiracy or Karmic reaction?

With Coronavirus inflicted Covid-19 sweeping the world the internet and social media are flooded with Coronavirus related news, fake news, information, disinformation, misinformation, speculations,...
Narendra Modi - India wins again

India tags Narendra Modi as Invincible – Should you be concerned?

All speculations and claims are over. India's democracy has given its verdict in no unclear terms. Sri Narendra Modi has indisputably proven to be...
shiva parvati

Shiva and Shakti – Looking beyond modern history

Lord Shiva’s name is synonymous with being auspicious, benevolent and kind. The term ‘Shi’ or ‘Si’ depicts the ideology of all pervasiveness, that which...
election 2019

Election 2019 is the toughest ever challenge to Indian voters

The Republic of India is going to general elections in a few days, from 11th April to 19th May. Who will occupy the 543...
India Pakistan friendship possible?

Tips to permanently improve India Pakistan relationship

With India's increasing influence in world politics, India Pakistan relationship has seen a greater interest from major world powers. It took central stage especially...
Gaura Purnima - Lord Chaitanya showing He is non-different from Sri Sri Radha-Krishna

Gaura Purnima – The day Lord Krishna descended as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Commonly known as Holi, the day of phalgun purnima is celebrated around the world by ISKCON and other Gaudiya vaishnavas as Gaura Purnima as...
vasanta panchami

It’s Springtime! Celebrating Vasanta Panchami in Sridham Mayapur

The spring season is considered to be the best of all seasons, for its attractive qualities are especially pleasing to Lord Krishna. Krishna Himself...
raga minimum income guarantee

Minimum Income Guarantee – Political masterstroke or Historic blunder?

In a historic move, the Congress president Rahul Gandhi has promised what he called a minimum income guarantee for every poor person in India,...
need for animal shelters

Need for Animal Shelters in India

The presence of large number of animals that roam the streets of villages and cities in India is unfortunately the result of lack of...


Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur’s not-so-known contribution

History has witnessed the dark age that descended on earth after the disappearance of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates. Those unable to understand...

Time according to the Vedas is not what you think!

We normally imagine time as a line that started at some point and stretches indefinitely. This affects even our language, with words such as...

Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is -1

"Do you know Mayapur? Yes! Have you been to Mayapur? So many times! Wait a minute-which Mayapur are you talking about? The one that...
diwali wishes

Unconventional Diwali wishes specially for this year

When nothing seems to help, a simple positive thought can change people's life. Diwali is a unique festival when positive thoughts, well wishes, blessings...

One step closer to Vedic version of extraterrestrial life

Before we read what the modern scientists have recently said, let us see what Srila Prabhupada said quoting Bhagavad Gita, spoken by Lord Krishna...