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Health and Ayurveda

Health issues, cautionary notes, announcements, suggestions, and remedies.

yoga day 2018

Silver lining in global health sector as India pitches for Yoga

One more international yoga day and India's ancient science of Yoga practice offering immense health benefits and boost to spiritual awakening has seen a...
ima chief praises mahabharata

Analysis – Medical chief says Mahabharata has the remedy to psychiatric issues

National President of the Indian Medical Association, Mr K K Aggarwal, a Padma Shri award recipient, believes that Lord Krishna, who advised Arjuna during...

US Neurologist says chanting of Hare Krishna could heal Schizophrenia

Ancient Vedic scriptures extensively talk about the power of chanting mantras on mind and its various functions. Modern science faces serious difficulties explaining the...

Ayurvedic tips to stay calm during crisis

As habitual creatures, we find change very difficult to comprehend and accept at times.  Especially when situations are dramatically altered, practically overnight. As we...

Your brain pattern worsens when you lie – Here is the remedy

It is said that better to be hated for what we are than loved for what we are not. What does this imply? No...

Thanking Lord Dhanvantari, the Founder of Ayurveda, on Dhanteras

Diwali festival in India is a 5-day celebration starting from Dhanteras with every single day having its own significance. Out of this, on the...
drinking coca-cola and pepsi - representatinal image

Exposed: Coca-Cola and Pepsi paid millions to health organizations

Last year we published a post exposing how lavishly Coca-Cola spent on paid research works in order to make false claims that Coca-Cola consumption...

Good and Bad of Onion and Garlic – A comprehensive analysis

It is quite easy to find health benefits of a particular food item especially when we like its taste. This is the reason modern food...

Reasons why UK’s National Health Service is in danger

Where are the Britons heading after they voted to leave EU? The recent reports on the National Health Service (NHS) is worrying enough especially...

Amazing health benefits of Amalaki fruit

Ayurveda classifies seasons as having an affinity to certain doshas.  As summer approaches, it is common for Pitta dosha to become imbalanced and cause overheating...


Temple culture of ancient India – A marvel of architectural genius

Ancient India conceptualized Hindu temples as an epitome of knowledge, art, architecture, dance and music. Each era had a distinctive construction and cultural practice...
panihati chida-dahi festival

Why Panihati chida-dahi festival is known as the festival of punishment

Panihati is the name of a village located in the state of West Bengal, on the banks of River Ganges (10 miles north of Kolkata)....

Why ban on beef in two more Indian states is a great news

Finally India's new government has managed to ban beef in two states - Maharastra and Hariyana.  Noticeably, there are people who have expressed their...

Can’t sleep? Find out 7 ways to sleep better

In Ayurveda, Insomnia is known as Anidra. According to the Ayurvedic perspective, the doshas (Ayurvedic humors) responsible for this disease are Tarpak Kapha, Sadhak Pitta or Prana Vata. Tarpak Kapha is a sub-dosha of Kapha ....

ISKCON Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Prabhupada’s Leaving for U.S.

ISKCON is ramping up for its mega 50th anniversary celebrations, with events to be held all over the world throughout the year 2016. These...