This page has two purposes:
2) Discuss various devotional services concerning Sri Mayapur Navadvipa Dham.
Here is a list of topics that you could write on:
- Importance of reading and distributing Srila Prabhupada books.
- Need and benefits of Congregation development.
- Importance of going on Parikramas and developing the Navadvipa-mandala.
- Protection and preservation of holy tirthas, sacred rivers.
- Benefits of Vedic culture as presented by Srila Prabhupada over modern culture.
- Benefits of eating Vegetarian food and Krishna prasadam.
- Agriculture, cow protection, and preservation of trees and other natural resources.
- Value of abiding by moral codes of conduct and its role in Krishna consciousness.
- Role of women in the Sankirtana movement.
- Dangers of imitating maha–bhagavata devotees.
- Dangers of superstitions and believing in so called seers and unqualified astrologers.
- Importance of hearing from Srila Prabhupada.
- Benefits of Ayurveda and dangers of modern medications, food habits and lifestyle.
You could also make a new title of your own. For example, you could write a story on “My memories of Mayapur”.
If you have any suggestion or query, do let us know. You can either Contact Us or just leave a comment at the bottom of the page.