mayapur magazine arvhives heading
In 2004, the long-dormant Mayapur Journal was given new life through the generous support of Ambarisa Prabhu, in order to start bringing worldwide thought, consciousness, and attention to Mayapur in preparation for the buiding of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium. After a couple of years, we changed the Journal into a full-size, full-color publication and renamed it Mayapur Magazine. People everywhere loved its new look, new size, and new personality, sharing expressions of Mayapur’s bhakti culture, capturing its essence through poetry, photography, commentaries, thought, and song. 
Mayapur Magazine flourished for almost 2 years, when Ambarisa restructured his service to confine his financial energies into the actual building of the Temple and not all the auxiliary departments that had functioned around the TOVP. Management in Mayapur did offer to take over funding, but their mood was very different from the characteristics the magazine embodied, and so it took a vacation.
Plans are in the ether to recommence publishing online in the same format as the old magazines. Meanwhile, we offer you the archived issues from 2006-2007. Enjoy…


– Mayapur Magazine

V O L U M E  –  1


V O L U M E – 2


Mystical Mayapur Articles

This one thing can save the world – Navadvipa mandala parikrama

Navadvipa mandala parikrama
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura wondered, “when will that day come when the fair-skinned foreigners will come to Sri Mayapur dham and join with the Bengali Vaishnavas to chant, Jay Sachinandana, Jay Sachinandana. When will that day be?" He wondered did not really mean he did...

Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is -1

"Do you know Mayapur? Yes! Have you been to Mayapur? So many times! Wait a minute-which Mayapur are you talking about? The one that is in the district of Nadia, West Bengal. We go there by a bus, train or a private car." This...

When God descends on the Earth – Understanding an Avatar

Lord Chaitanya - Origin of all avatars
Avatar is a known word these days even in the western countries. Internet and social media users know how they can change their avatar. Going by that definition, avatar roughly means a profile picture. It could be a picture of a person, an imaginary...

Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is – 10

As months after months and years after years pass by, I keep wondering if my appreciation for and attachment to Sri Mayapur Dham has seen any increase. This is important to me as, to me, being attached to Sri Mayapur is directly proportionate to...