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Tag: swami


Rivals can boost creativity. Don’t hate them!

The present trend towards rivals is, get rid of them, defame them, buy them off. How often do we realize that our rivals are our...

NASA speculates Black hole may be producing mysterious particles

Although too far from the reality, NASA's latest speculation does remind me of a few verses from the Brahma samhita, the prayer by Lord...
Whales in danger

What caused the deaths of hundreds of Whales in New Zealand?

While some people did show kindness towards the dying Whales, and while the government did take action to minimize the damage, whenever a calamity like...

Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is -2

Welcome back! One more book that has made a lasting impression on my mind is Navadwip Dham Mahatmaya by Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur.  After briefly...

Salute to this King of Elephants – Sri Gajendra

Elephants are gorgeous. Their majestic maneuvers and prideful attributes make them unique. Elephants are always part of our life, be it domestic affairs, economics,...