Bhadra Balaram das
Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is -1
"Do you know Mayapur? Yes! Have you been to Mayapur? So many times! Wait a minute-which Mayapur are you talking about? The one that...
New Prime Minister of India – What to Expect
As the results of India’s last election emerged, I noticed a new enthusiasm all around. People starting from rickshaw pullers to industrialists, and from...
A Vedic Viewpoint on India’s Union Budget 2014-2015
I read with interest what Mr Arun Jaitley, the new finance minister of India, said in his budget speech, and tried to compare his...
Inspire, Not Enforce
The government of India has come up with an innovative strategy for the distribution of LPG (cooking gas) in order to bring down the...
Modern scientists baffled again – Say the universe should have collapsed
Recently I read a news story on the Internet and thought it was interesting. Interesting because it referred to our modern scientist friends, who...
Financial security – Are we joining the bandwagon?
Today, the world has come to a stage where practically every person is made to believe, or compelled to think, that unless he has...
Purpose of Mayapur Voice
Among the many wonderful activities taking place in Sridham Mayapur by different organizations like the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, various like-minded Trusts, Gaudiya maths...
Understanding Vata dosha in Ayurveda
In the ancient Ayurvedic text, the Charak Samhita, Charak describes all the etiological factors which contribute to disturbances in the body’s channels (srotas). ...
The Gita In A Nutshell – A must read
Ever wished you had a genuine version of the Gita that you can read in a few minutes, and read it even daily? You...
NASA speculates Black hole may be producing mysterious particles
Although too far from the reality, NASA's latest speculation does remind me of a few verses from the Brahma samhita, the prayer by Lord...
Controversy over Taj Mahal’s origins comes into National limelight
The controversy over the origins of Taj mahal has gone political with Uttar Pradesh BJP chief Laxmi Kant Bajpai on Sunday saying that Mugal...
Temple culture of ancient India – A marvel of architectural genius
Ancient India conceptualized Hindu temples as an epitome of knowledge, art, architecture, dance and music. Each era had a distinctive construction and cultural practice...