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Must Read

Articles that are timeless in nature

Ma Durga – Going beyond myths

It has become a fashion these days, especially among scholars and leaders, to call Vedic scriptures a myth. One of the reasons for this...

Jammu and Kashmir floods – What went wrong?

Just a few days back the headlines in all Indian newspapers were filled with the news of Jammu and Kashmir floods. A devastating flood,...

Go after them wherever they go – Serve them justice

I found the following news article interesting and thought it's a good news from the Reserve Bank of India.  India needs to crack down...

It is extremely difficult to give up the desire for honour, fame, distinction and...

Very few people know the extraordinary contribution of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur to the revival and reestablishment of Lord Sri Chaitanya's mission on this planet....

Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is -3

If the state government were to announce today that anyone who has lived in India for six months will get one million gold coins...

Who went West – Srila Prabhupada or the Holy Name?

Some people hold that, having been prophesied by scripture, by Lord Chaitanya and by the previous acharyas, if Srila Prabhupada had not spread Krishna...

Mundaners can never understand Radha and Krishna

Radhastami is the appearance day of Srimati Radharani, the divine pleasure potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna. Below is the transcription...

Chemical aided agriculture Vs Natural ecosystems

For decades now factory produced fertilizers have been praised as the greatest gift to farmers.  But the negative after effects of such artificial interventions by men...

Learning more about Sri Krishna on Janmastami day

Did you ever ask yourself why, if Krishna was born only some 5000 years ago, His Name appears in Vedas and Puranas, which are...
srila prabhupada on independence

Srila Prabhupada on Independence

In this verse the word svarajyam, which means "complete independence," is very significant. A conditioned soul does not know what complete independence is....



Ayurveda – Ten takeaways for the New Year

It’s almost the new year and we habitually set New Year’s resolutions. Quite often, at least one resolution involves our health. Ayurveda teaches us to...

Brexit – Beaten Britain or Fall of Europe?

Out of curiosity, today I Googled "Brexit" and found a whooping ~14,40,00,000 results in 0.43 seconds. Compared to that, the word "economy" returned about...

India’s growth closely connected to a nationwide ban on cow slaughter

History shows that violence is a necessary element of good governance, but only as a last resort. Unfortunately, in the absence of righteous kings...

Incredible health benefits of tender Coconut water

Coconut is a wonder fruit. Its health benefits are enormous. Moreover, tender coconut water is an incredible food supplement having all vital minerals and...

Interesting facts about Animals in Hindu Temples

Editors's note: Quite often, those unaware of the knowledge treasured in India's ancient Vedic scriptures get jitters at the idea that animals can be...