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Articles that are timeless in nature

Srila Prabhupada - Bharat Ratna or Vishva Ratna

Srila Prabhupada – A Bharat Ratna Or Vishva Ratna?

Nations take pride in praising and promoting their heroes. While some great personalities are loved and adored only by their own countrymen or a...
watch out your spiritual life

The biggest danger faced by seniors in spiritual life

Spiritual life is a progressive activity. As we grow we realize its value better. Being seniors by age or by experience in spiritual life...

Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is – 10

As months after months and years after years pass by, I keep wondering if my appreciation for and attachment to Sri Mayapur Dham has...

Simply Thinking, High Living? Godless Civilizations

We as devotees know that Lord Krishna owns everything in the universe including this planet, however there are many who want to act as...
Nrsimha Deva

Another reason why Lord Nrsimha killed Hiranyakashipu

Most of you may have read and heard why Lord Nrsimha Deva killed the great demon Hiranyakashipu. The well known reason is, the demon...
agriculture water

Water! Water! Water!

Water, Water – And you thought the Corona Crisis was Bad! I managed an organic farm in Gujarat in 2017, sustainability was a major feature...
Lordships of Purushottam month

We will miss you, O Purushottam month!

Purushottam month has just gone. It has gone away from us to return after three years. It came to bless us and left after...
purana not mythology

Mythology is a wrong word for Vedas and Puranas

It's almost like an established tradition today that the super-science and the mind-boggling stories of historical value found in the ancient Vedic texts, called...
alien spaceship

Aliens? What the ancient Vedas say about extraterrestrial life

In his famous book, “Chariots of the Gods?” Erich von Däniken raises the hypothesis that members of an advanced civilization had visited our planet...

Resolved – Is Krishna an expansion of Vishnu or is it the other way...

In my childhood I was told that Lord Krishna is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. I grew up with that in mind. Most people...


mexico earthquake

What does the Mexico earthquake tell us?

Number of Earthquakes is on the rise across the world. Killings 100s, sometimes 1000s, and making tens of thousands homeless, these earthquakes stand to...

Lesson from the Pune landslide tragedy

As per the latest reports, out of around 200 persons feared trapped under debris after a massive landslide hit the tribal village of Malin...

Study says disgusting things turn people into liars; cleanliness promotes ethical behavior

The good news is that modern researchers have now come to understand that cleanliness, which is, according to the Vedic scripture, one of the...
Bhagavad Gita, a part of Mahabharata

Did you know this about Gita Jayanti?

In present days, the word "jayanti" is loosely used for someone's birthday. However, this word is not meant for mortal beings. What most people...
why fear

The surest way to get rid of any fear, for good

Have you experienced fear at any stage in your life? Do you think fear can make one do certain things and prevent from doing...