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Articles having permanent or timeless value.

Good and Bad of Onion and Garlic – A comprehensive analysis

It is quite easy to find health benefits of a particular food item especially when we like its taste. This is the reason modern food...

Learning more about Lord Nrsimha dev on His appearance day

Today is the most auspicious day of Lord Nrsimha dev. All glories to Lord Nrsimha deva, the half man half lion incarnation of Lord...

Salute to this King of Elephants – Sri Gajendra

Elephants are gorgeous. Their majestic maneuvers and prideful attributes make them unique. Elephants are always part of our life, be it domestic affairs, economics,...

Knowing more about Sri Navadvipa Mandal Parikrama

It all started with Lord Nityananda Himself taking His dear devotee, Jiva Gosvami, on a tour to this mystical and most merciful land of Sri Chaitanya...

Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is – 5

Recently a friend disturbed my firmly rooted illusion. He asked some group members to reveal what attracts them the most about Sri Mayapur. A...

Immortal words of Lord Krishna in a Soul-lifting slideshow

Immortal words of Lord Krishna is a series of stunning slides produced from Lord Krishna's timeless instructions to His dear devotee Arjuna in Bhagavad...

Krishna consciousness does not exclude mundane ethics; it goes beyond them

It is observed over and over again that many religious and spiritual leaders tend to take their popularity for granted and indulge in acts...

Knowing more about Lord Sri Balarama on His Appearance day

We know Lord Krishna and Krishna Janmastami but not all of us know much about Lord Balarama, or Balaram, the transcendental elder brother of...

Mayapur Meditation

I look outside my window and see the tall Kadamba tree blossoming with beautiful Kadamba flowers all over. This is the first in this...

Dealing with anger that may appear righteous

Quite often, if not always, we find our anger towards someone justifiable. And quite often, if not always, we realize after a day or two,...


Earthquake: Another alert from the agents of Nature

Earthquake is not an accident. Let us not shy away from stating that It is more of a well calculated action by the agents...

Knowing more about Lord Sri Balarama on His Appearance day

We know Lord Krishna and Krishna Janmastami but not all of us know much about Lord Balarama, or Balaram, the transcendental elder brother of...

Another slap on the face of Big Bang theory

Scientists will have to wait longer to find out what kicked off the Big Bang. Last spring, a team of astronomers who go by...
humility quote Mayapur Voice

Genuine humility cannot be developed artificially – Here is why

It is natural for a civilized society to consciously appreciate the value of humility. Unlike the colonial era when aristocracy was adorned with honorific...

Ma Durga – Going beyond myths

It has become a fashion these days, especially among scholars and leaders, to call Vedic scriptures a myth. One of the reasons for this...