Home Timeless


Articles having permanent or timeless value.

The Biggest Mystery of Srimad Bhagavatam – Srimati Radha

Popularly known as a Hindu scripture, Srimad Bhagavatam, also known as Bhagavat Purana, is actually a post graduation study in the subject matter of self...
Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva – Going beyond myths

In India there is a considerable misunderstanding about Lord Shiva. So much so that people with poor fund of knowledge, claiming themselves to be...

Jayapataka Swami – The “Gentle Giant”

Today, when deceitfulness and hypocrisy have become the way of life for the majority of the population, when humility is considered weakness and simplicity...

Ma Durga – Going beyond myths

It has become a fashion these days, especially among scholars and leaders, to call Vedic scriptures a myth. One of the reasons for this...

Knowing more about Sri Krishna on Janmastami day

Did you ever ask yourself why, if Krishna was born only some 5000 years ago, His Name appears in the Vedas and Puranas, which...

Balarama Purnima – The Appearance day of Lord Balaram

Just like Lord Krishna's appearance day is known as Krishna Janmastami, the appearance day of Lord Balaram, who is the elder brother of Krishna,...

Amazing health benefits of Amalaki fruit

Ayurveda classifies seasons as having an affinity to certain doshas.  As summer approaches, it is common for Pitta dosha to become imbalanced and cause overheating...
whether god is partial

Closing the debate whether God is partial

The question whether God is partial is not new. You may find a good number of opinions and explanations  pertaining to it. People not...

Your brain pattern worsens when you lie – Here is the remedy

It is said that better to be hated for what we are than loved for what we are not. What does this imply? No...

Bhakti yoga – Myths, Facts, and what makes it the Topmost yoga

As the world, frustrated over temporary material happiness, cautiously turns towards spirituality, it is sure to find a new hope in life. At the...


lord nrsimha

Stunning 5-minute visuals of Lord Nrsimha Abhishek in Sridham Mayapur

This year was a special Nrsimha Chaturdashi festival in Sridham Mayapur. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and government imposed lockdown, only a few devotees...
ima chief praises mahabharata

Analysis – Medical chief says Mahabharata has the remedy to psychiatric issues

National President of the Indian Medical Association, Mr K K Aggarwal, a Padma Shri award recipient, believes that Lord Krishna, who advised Arjuna during...
need for animal shelters

Need for Animal Shelters in India

The presence of large number of animals that roam the streets of villages and cities in India is unfortunately the result of lack of...
Diwali thoughts

Why my heart went out to them this Diwali

As I was walking towards the temple to attend a special Diwali function, I noticed something unusual for this day. Diwali is known for...

Incredible health benefits of tender Coconut water

Coconut is a wonder fruit. Its health benefits are enormous. Moreover, tender coconut water is an incredible food supplement having all vital minerals and...