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Articles having permanent or timeless value.

Ganga Devi

“O Ganga Devi, your waters are the ambrosia of love of Godhead”

"The waters of the Ganges are always carrying the flavor of tulasi offered at the lotus feet of Sri Krishna, and as such the...

Purushottam month – The pinnacle of all months

Hats off to the Vedic scriptures for being strikingly accurate in each and every prediction they have made. Not a single prediction has turned...

Jayapataka Swami – The “Gentle Giant”

Today, when deceitfulness and hypocrisy have become the way of life for the majority of the population, when humility is considered weakness and simplicity...
humility quote Mayapur Voice

Genuine humility cannot be developed artificially – Here is why

It is natural for a civilized society to consciously appreciate the value of humility. Unlike the colonial era when aristocracy was adorned with honorific...
quest for God Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Addressing the unending quest for God – A practical approach

Every human being thinks about God although the intensity and quality of such thoughts may vary. They could be favorable or unfavorable. This is...
Navadvipa mandala parikrama

Inconceivable benefits of performing Sri Navadvipa mandal parikrama

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVYpj7ouh_g?rel=0] Every year thousands of people from around the world gather in Sridham Maypaur to participate in the annual Navadvip Mandal parikrama organized by...
is this how aliens look?

If aliens can watch us how can they be less advanced?

As a result of increasing number of UFO sightings, recently we have seen number of theories floating in the cyberspace strongly proposing aliens do...
Life all well? Hold on

Do not ignore this when life seems all well

Like most of you, I also have met hundreds of thousands of people in my life. When we ask, "how are you?", depending on...
whether god is partial

Closing the debate whether God is partial

The question whether God is partial is not new. You may find a good number of opinions and explanations  pertaining to it. People not...
mayapur goshala

The Primary Citizens – A glimpse into Sri Mayapur Goshala

In Srimad Bhagavatam 10.8.16 purport, Srila Prabhupada says that Lord Krishna's first business is to give all comfort to the cows and the brahmanas. In...


permanent happiness

Happiness does not last? You may be missing the point

Let's get straight to the point. Do you realize that almost all of us spend practically every moment of our life to become happy?...
whether god is partial

Closing the debate whether God is partial

The question whether God is partial is not new. You may find a good number of opinions and explanations  pertaining to it. People not...

Not only Milk, Cows Give Water

The title above is not about your 'skimmed' watered-down milk  or the excess milk that safe, happy and healthy cows drop on grazing lands...
pleasant surprise

Like to give pleasant surprise? You may want to read this

Wanting to make our loved ones happy is natural. Among the many ways to make them happy, giving a pleasant surprise holds special significance....

Exposing pseudo sadhus is a service to humanity

Recently I wrote an article on how ethics are important in spiritual life and how a saintly person, or sadhu, also needs to follow...