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Articles having permanent or timeless value.

univerisity education essential?

High university degrees and foreign education essential for a leader?

This write-up is the result of a video clip, a part of which I recently happened to watch. Although carefully presented, the video was...
universe a computer simulation?

Scientists debate if we are living in a simulated universe controlled by someone else

Last year we published an article on the latest debate among some of the mainstream scientists and philosophers about the origin of the universe...
permanent happiness

Happiness does not last? You may be missing the point

Let's get straight to the point. Do you realize that almost all of us spend practically every moment of our life to become happy?...
milky way galaxy

Scientists puzzled – Milky Way is different from what they previously thought

There are numerous theories presented by modern scientists on what exactly the Milky Way galaxy is, how it behaves and how its behavior can...

How Ma Durga clears many misconceptions about female energy

Every Durga puja we experience a fresh air of enthusiasm and excitement in the atmosphere. This is not just religious sentiments as some people,...
Nataraja as source of Indian temple dance

Divine purpose of ancient Indian Temple dance

The Natya Shastra of Bharatmuni describes the divine origin of classical dance. As Lord Brahma created the fifth Veda by incorporating the “Pathyam” or...
bhaktivinod thakur

Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur and his glorious contribution to the Sankirtan movement

Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur, formerly known as Kedarnath Datta, was born in 1838 in Birnagar, West Bengal. Growing up, Kedarnath Datta preferred to sit and...

Lord Balarama – Understanding God’s elder brother

We know God is the one who created all of us. Fine, but then how come we hear that He has father, mother and...
pleasant surprise

Like to give pleasant surprise? You may want to read this

Wanting to make our loved ones happy is natural. Among the many ways to make them happy, giving a pleasant surprise holds special significance....
Sriman Nityananda Prabhu shows Sri Mayapur to Sri Jiva Gosvami

Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is – 8

We do many things in life as a routine, only to realize at a certain point that what we did for years, or even...


One step closer to Vedic version of extraterrestrial life

Before we read what the modern scientists have recently said, let us see what Srila Prabhupada said quoting Bhagavad Gita, spoken by Lord Krishna...

How to determine authenticity of online content

As a parent you may be proud of your school-going child for being an expert at finding information online. How often do you suspect...
sushma swaraj is right in chastising amazon

Why Sushma Swaraj is absolutely right in warning Amazon

When only money talks, it stinks. After India's Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj appropriately tweeted late Wednesday that the doormats sold on Amazon’s Canadian site...
Bhagavad Gita, a part of Mahabharata

Did you know this about Gita Jayanti?

In present days, the word "jayanti" is loosely used for someone's birthday. However, this word is not meant for mortal beings. What most people...

Ayurvedic tips to stay calm during crisis

As habitual creatures, we find change very difficult to comprehend and accept at times.  Especially when situations are dramatically altered, practically overnight. As we...