Home Vedic wisdom

Vedic wisdom

Covers a wide area of articles and stories based on and about the Vedic scriptures. Links for online reading and downloading books.

One who restrains the senses of action but whose mind dwells on sense objects certainly deludes himself and is called a pretender. - Lord Krishna...

Moon bewilders scientists as they admit another BIG mistake

While it is good to admit past mistakes, such admittance is meaningful only when we learn from them without being proud of embarking on...

Remembering the Kirtan at Kirtan Mela

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc3XNW716LE?rel=0]

What to do when we realize we are wrong

It wouldn't be an overstatement to say that everyone makes mistake. In fact people are bound to make mistakes as that is how human...
human origins

Science accepts Vedic version of Human origins

A new study has left the scientists dumbfounded. The findings are in sharp contrast to the ill-founded Darwin's theory of evolution. Learning about human...

Art of speaking bitter truth

Ever came across a situation when you felt a pressing need to say something but did not say fearing the other party would get...
The Lion Guru

Why a Guru is duty bound to accept lofty praise and worship

Srila Bhakatisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, hailed as the Lion Guru by those who know his strikingly bold presentation of Vedic philosophy, especially the teachings of...
srila prabhupada on independence

Srila Prabhupada on Independence

In this verse the word svarajyam, which means "complete independence," is very significant. A conditioned soul does not know what complete independence is....

India’s growth closely connected to a nationwide ban on cow slaughter

History shows that violence is a necessary element of good governance, but only as a last resort. Unfortunately, in the absence of righteous kings...
narsinh mehta

Narsinh Mehta – The devotee who wrote Vaishnava jana to song

In a truly unique initiative to spread India's ancient wisdom across the world, this year the Indian government came up with an out of...


Thanking Lord Dhanvantari, the Founder of Ayurveda, on Dhanteras

Diwali festival in India is a 5-day celebration starting from Dhanteras with every single day having its own significance. Out of this, on the...

Ma Durga – Busting the biggest myth of all times

Mother Durga, or Ma Durga, is gorgeously worshiped all over the world during Durga puja festival. In India, especially in West Bengal, this is...
purana not mythology

Mythology is a wrong word for Vedas and Puranas

It's almost like an established tradition today that the super-science and the mind-boggling stories of historical value found in the ancient Vedic texts, called...
Gaura Purnima - Lord Chaitanya showing He is non-different from Sri Sri Radha-Krishna

Gaura Purnima – The day Lord Krishna descended as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Commonly known as Holi, the day of phalgun purnima is celebrated around the world by ISKCON and other Gaudiya vaishnavas as Gaura Purnima as...

Salute to this King of Elephants – Sri Gajendra

Elephants are gorgeous. Their majestic maneuvers and prideful attributes make them unique. Elephants are always part of our life, be it domestic affairs, economics,...