Understanding Pitta dosha in Ayurveda
Ayurveda operates on the principle of three constitutional types or doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The doshas are further differentiated by their qualities or...
Brexit – Beaten Britain or Fall of Europe?
Out of curiosity, today I Googled "Brexit" and found a whooping ~14,40,00,000 results in 0.43 seconds. Compared to that, the word "economy" returned about...
Simply Thinking, High Living? Godless Civilizations
We as devotees know that Lord Krishna owns everything in the universe including this planet, however there are many who want to act as...
Mundaners can never understand Radha and Krishna
Radhastami is the appearance day of Srimati Radharani, the divine pleasure potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna. Below is the transcription...
A glimpse into Radha-Madhava’s kunja – Jhulan Yatra 2017
Jhulan Yatra takes place every year in the monsoon season over a period of five days, leading up to Balarama Purnima. This is the...