Aims and Objectives


Our motto is to help humankind where they need it the most. We realize that this can be easily achieved by presenting to them His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada’s teachings in its original form.

Since his teachings cover a broad spectrum of social, economics, educational, and religious as well as spiritual subject matters, we have divided our objectives into three main categories:

1) Global objectives

2) Objectives concerning Krishna consciousness

3) Sri Mayapur community related objectives

Global objectives:

  • Provide spiritual perspective on worldly affairs thus helping people look at life from a different and higher angle of vision
  • Help undo the damage done by the atheistic modern science, modern education and modern propaganda
  • Re-establish Vedic science as the most ancient and most advance science
  • Increase awareness of Vedic wisdom and its importance in day-to-day life
  • Expose bogus gurus, pseudo religious leaders and so-called sadhus, who, being fools themselves, fool others in the name of God and spirituality
  • Expose social leaders, including political leaders, who play with religions for their own benefit
  • Educate people in how they can be benefited by serving and protecting cows, and by engaging bulls in agriculture
  • Bring to light the dangers of large industries and super-market culture
  • Expose and bust myths, created and spread originally by western scholars, about Vedic scriptures and present Puranic events as they are, i.e. ancient history
  • Support anyone and everyone who works for establishing lasting peace on the planet

Objectives concerning Krishna consciousness:

  • Establish Srila Prabhupada’s unique position on this planet as an ambassador of the spiritual world.
  • Eliminate the many misconceptions about ISKCON, especially among Indians.
  • Promote the Temple of Vedic Planetarium and publish regular updates on its progress.
  • Gather news from all ISKCON centers and publish them on a regular basis.
  • Write rebuttals to negative propaganda as and when needed.
  • Expose the countless bluffs and failures of modern science in various fields.
  • Explain spirituality in modern terms that general class of people can easily relate to.
  • Build healthy relations with non-ISKCON spiritual organizations and media services.

Sri Mayapur community related objectives:

  • Highlight Mayapur devotees’ spiritual achievements and devotional career, regardless of their managerial or non-managerial positions, thus encouraging them and inspiring others.
  • Encourage devotees to write their realizations and publish them.
  • Help bring Mayapur community together, beyond provincialism and elitism, by regularly publishing Srila Prabhupada’s quotes, and articles penned by experienced devotees.
  • Extend support to the rank and file sincere residents of Mayapur, who may feel helpless, unheard, and neglected but have no avenue to express.  In the absence of a neutral support system, some devotees have left Mayapur/ISKCON. We want to minimize such occurrences.
  • Discourage gossips. Mistakes and scandals are all-pervading in this age but intelligent people appreciate when such mishaps are given due attention and disciplinary actions taken on the wrongdoers. A well-intended exposure also helps prevent potential mishaps. For these reasons, we intend not to shy away from addressing such issues – sensitively but resolutely – whenever found proven.
  • Hear and understand Mayapur community’s difficulties, dissatisfaction, anger and frustrations, and provide collective suggestions for improvement on the part of the management to avoid bitter feelings between the management and the citizens of Mayapur.
  • Help devotees establish themselves in Mayapur by keeping them informed of business opportunities, and by supporting their small businesses.
  • Promote selfless service to cows and protection of trees in Mayapur.

For information on how we intend to work on these objectives, please read the list of topics that we propose to publish articles on, on regular basis.

Towards Transcendence!
Towards Transcendence!

Hare Krishna


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