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cow sale for slaughter banned

Congratulations India! Government imposes nationwide ban on sale of cows for slaughter

This, indeed, is a welcome news for a civilized country like India.  Continuing with its 3-year old tradition of fulfilling reasonable public expectations, the...
human origins

Science accepts Vedic version of Human origins

A new study has left the scientists dumbfounded. The findings are in sharp contrast to the ill-founded Darwin's theory of evolution. Learning about human...

Researchers get closer to Varnashrama dharma concept

A recently published news story quickly caught my attention. It suggested that there are principally four types of personalities. After carrying out a research project of...
bhaktivinod thakur

Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur and his glorious contribution to the Sankirtan movement

Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur, formerly known as Kedarnath Datta, was born in 1838 in Birnagar, West Bengal. Growing up, Kedarnath Datta preferred to sit and...
alien spaceship

Aliens? What the ancient Vedas say about extraterrestrial life

In his famous book, “Chariots of the Gods?” Erich von Däniken raises the hypothesis that members of an advanced civilization had visited our planet...