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Purpose of Mayapur Voice

Among the many wonderful activities taking place in Sridham Mayapur by different organizations like the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, various like-minded Trusts, Gaudiya maths...

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If you have any query or comment, please write to us. Our email address is mail@mayapurvoice.com Alternatively you may use the following form to reach us:

Editorial Policy

Mayapur Voice, a first of its kind media cum blog service in Sri Mayapur, strives to uphold the highest principles of ethical journalism, ethical...

Aims and Objectives

Our motto is to help humankind where they need it the most. We realize that this can be easily achieved by presenting to them...

About Mayapur Voice

Mayapur Voice, with its all-inclusive vision, is a relentless mission to inspire integrity and promote purity across all sectors of society. We strive to...


srila prabhupada on independence

Srila Prabhupada on Independence

In this verse the word svarajyam, which means "complete independence," is very significant. A conditioned soul does not know what complete independence is....

India’s growth closely connected to a nationwide ban on cow slaughter

History shows that violence is a necessary element of good governance, but only as a last resort. Unfortunately, in the absence of righteous kings...

Dealing with anger that may appear righteous

Quite often, if not always, we find our anger towards someone justifiable. And quite often, if not always, we realize after a day or two,...

Temple culture of ancient India – A marvel of architectural genius

Ancient India conceptualized Hindu temples as an epitome of knowledge, art, architecture, dance and music. Each era had a distinctive construction and cultural practice...

Saying No to Alcohol goes beyond personal benefits

In addition to what I just posted on women destroying liquor factories, here are some compelling reasons why one should keep away from drinking...