Home Festivals and Culture

Festivals and Culture

News and articles on cultural events, celebrations, and festivals like Rath yatras, appearance days of the Lord and His devotees.

Today Sri Jagannath Ratha-yatra in Sridham Mayapur

The Lord of the universe, Sri Jagannath, along with His elder brother Sri Balaram and younger sister Srimati Subhadra Devi, will bless the residents...

Ma Durga – Going beyond myths

It has become a fashion these days, especially among scholars and leaders, to call Vedic scriptures a myth. One of the reasons for this...

Knowing more about Sri Krishna on Janmastami day

Did you ever ask yourself why, if Krishna was born only some 5000 years ago, His Name appears in the Vedas and Puranas, which...

Half-Lion Half-Man form appears! Devotees offer worship to Sri Narasimha

Reality does not change by negating it! What happened millions of years ago and what happens today in India and around the world has...

Balarama Purnima – The Appearance day of Lord Balaram

Just like Lord Krishna's appearance day is known as Krishna Janmastami, the appearance day of Lord Balaram, who is the elder brother of Krishna,...

Learning more about Lord Nrsimha dev on His appearance day

Today is the most auspicious day of Lord Nrsimha dev. All glories to Lord Nrsimha deva, the half man half lion incarnation of Lord...

Ma Durga – The Mightiest Mother

If you ever think that strength is only male's domain, meet Mother Durga! She is not only a fearsome fighter celebrated across the three...

The most rewarding Damodara month is back

Damodara month, also known as Kartik vrata, is a month of bonus! This bonus is different from the many ordinary bonus offers we are used...

Knowing more about Sri Navadvipa Mandal Parikrama

It all started with Lord Nityananda Himself taking His dear devotee, Jiva Gosvami, on a tour to this mystical and most merciful land of Sri Chaitanya...

Immortal words of Lord Krishna in a Soul-lifting slideshow

Immortal words of Lord Krishna is a series of stunning slides produced from Lord Krishna's timeless instructions to His dear devotee Arjuna in Bhagavad...


Bhakti yoga – Myths, Facts, and what makes it the Topmost yoga

As the world, frustrated over temporary material happiness, cautiously turns towards spirituality, it is sure to find a new hope in life. At the...
Ganga Devi

“O Ganga Devi, your waters are the ambrosia of love of Godhead”

"The waters of the Ganges are always carrying the flavor of tulasi offered at the lotus feet of Sri Krishna, and as such the...

A tiny tribute to my childhood friends – The house sparrows

I vividly remember that chik, chik, chik, chik of those little lovely birds, during early mornings at our home, flying swiftly from one corner...

Science confirms Life on the Sun

Who on the Earth ever thought that life can exist on the Sun? As soon as the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) received...

Independence Day Message

Mayapur Voice wishes a very happy and enlightening Independence Day to our Indian readers. Let this memorable day bring you a new insight into...