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Kids campus

For children and by children. It could be anything starting from simple drawings, success stories, talents, sports, memories, suggestions, etc.

Handing an expensive gift to a child? Read this

So what is wrong if you can afford to present an expensive gift? Hmm... When we talk about gifts, it is not only about...


quest for God Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Addressing the unending quest for God – A practical approach

Every human being thinks about God although the intensity and quality of such thoughts may vary. They could be favorable or unfavorable. This is...

Nectar drops from Sri Tattva-sutra by Bhaktivinod Thakur

All glories to Madana-mohana, who is eternal and full of knowledge and bliss.  He is dear to the saintly devotees, and He is an...

Amazing health benefits of Amalaki fruit

Ayurveda classifies seasons as having an affinity to certain doshas.  As summer approaches, it is common for Pitta dosha to become imbalanced and cause overheating...

Stop that arrogance by all means! Let India progress

There are reasons I am making an exception today to my preferred policy of not giving opinions on political parties. What we saw during...

Swine Flu – Ayurvedic viewpoint and cure

As the news updates on swine flu continue to make headlines in India, it is important that people also know how swine flu is...