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Mayapur local news, events and stories concerning local community members

vasanta panchami

It’s Springtime! Celebrating Vasanta Panchami in Sridham Mayapur

The spring season is considered to be the best of all seasons, for its attractive qualities are especially pleasing to Lord Krishna. Krishna Himself...
pushya abhishek

Sri Mayapur celebrates Sri Krishna Pushya Abhishek

In November 1973, the founder-acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada said - “So we...
Ganga Devi

“O Ganga Devi, your waters are the ambrosia of love of Godhead”

"The waters of the Ganges are always carrying the flavor of tulasi offered at the lotus feet of Sri Krishna, and as such the...
Navadvipa mandala parikrama

Inconceivable benefits of performing Sri Navadvipa mandal parikrama

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVYpj7ouh_g?rel=0] Every year thousands of people from around the world gather in Sridham Maypaur to participate in the annual Navadvip Mandal parikrama organized by...
mayapur goshala

The Primary Citizens – A glimpse into Sri Mayapur Goshala

In Srimad Bhagavatam 10.8.16 purport, Srila Prabhupada says that Lord Krishna's first business is to give all comfort to the cows and the brahmanas. In...
ISKCON Tribal Care

ISKCON Tribal Care – An Initiative of Love and Care

Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu predicted: pṛthivi te achhe yata nagaradi grama sarvatra prachara haibe mora nama.. “In every town and village, the chanting of My name will be...
gita jayanti

Gita Jayanti celebrated in Sri Mayapur

Srila Prabbupada, in a letter to Bhagavan das wrote: “Anyway, print books, distribute profusely, and that will be the best preaching work. What will...
vijaya dashami

Vijaya Dashami celebrated in Sridham Mayapur

In Sri Chaitanya Charitamrta Madhya-lila, 15.32-35, it describes Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s mood during this festival: “On the victory day celebrating the conquest of Lanka –...

Reflections on World Holy Name Week 2017 in Sri Dham Mayapur

“The Krishna consciousness movement has established its centre in Sri Mayapur, the birth site of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, to give men the great...

Mayapur devotees celebrate the appearance day of their Most Beloved Srimati Radharani

Sri Janmastami is celebrated with much grandeur all over the world, because it is the birthday celebration of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself....


Galaxies - Representational image

Another setback for scientists – Previously thought number of galaxies turns out to be...

It is said that making mistakes is human but blaming others for the mistake is even more human. The question is, who it is...

Financial security – Are we joining the bandwagon?

Today, the world has come to a stage where practically every person is made to believe, or compelled to think, that unless he has...

Thanking Lord Dhanvantari, the Founder of Ayurveda, on Dhanteras

Diwali festival in India is a 5-day celebration starting from Dhanteras with every single day having its own significance. Out of this, on the...

Jayapataka Swami – The “Gentle Giant”

Today, when deceitfulness and hypocrisy have become the way of life for the majority of the population, when humility is considered weakness and simplicity...

Your choice of music reflects how you think

Ever thought what could be the underlying reasons for your choice of certain type of music? You perhaps like to hear what your friends do...