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Articles having permanent or timeless value.

mayapur goshala

The Primary Citizens – A glimpse into Sri Mayapur Goshala

In Srimad Bhagavatam 10.8.16 purport, Srila Prabhupada says that Lord Krishna's first business is to give all comfort to the cows and the brahmanas. In...

Ma Durga – Busting the biggest myth of all times

Mother Durga, or Ma Durga, is gorgeously worshiped all over the world during Durga puja festival. In India, especially in West Bengal, this is...

Did you know this about Srila Prabhupada?

Do you know that His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada is the only person in the known history of this planet to...

Mayapur Meditation

I look outside my window and see the tall Kadamba tree blossoming with beautiful Kadamba flowers all over. This is the first in this...
Navadvipa mandala parikrama

This one thing can save the world – Navadvipa mandala parikrama

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura wondered, “when will that day come when the fair-skinned foreigners will come to Sri Mayapur dham and join with the Bengali...
mayapur in antardvipa

Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is – 9

I always heard how Sri Mayapur dham is non-different from Sri Vrindavan dham. I always cherished experiencing it and I always knew such an...
watch out your spiritual life

The biggest danger faced by seniors in spiritual life

Spiritual life is a progressive activity. As we grow we realize its value better. Being seniors by age or by experience in spiritual life...
quest for God Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Addressing the unending quest for God – A practical approach

Every human being thinks about God although the intensity and quality of such thoughts may vary. They could be favorable or unfavorable. This is...


Jhulan Yatra in Sri Mayapur

A glimpse into Radha-Madhava’s kunja – Jhulan Yatra 2017

Jhulan Yatra takes place every year in the monsoon season over a period of five days, leading up to Balarama Purnima. This is the...
News agencies in India

Anti-Modi news agencies and what they need to learn

Chanakya Pandit says that out of the two- a snake and an envious person- the envious person is more dangerous than the snake because...

How to determine authenticity of online content

As a parent you may be proud of your school-going child for being an expert at finding information online. How often do you suspect...
lord narasimha dev

A heartfelt prayer to Lord Narasimha Dev

Devotees worship Lord Narasimha Dev for different reasons depending on their faith and needs but in all their prayers one aspect that stands out...

Independence Day Message

Mayapur Voice wishes a very happy and enlightening Independence Day to our Indian readers. Let this memorable day bring you a new insight into...