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Articles having permanent or timeless value.

How Ma Durga clears many misconceptions about female energy

Every Durga puja we experience a fresh air of enthusiasm and excitement in the atmosphere. This is not just religious sentiments as some people,...

Universe a most advanced Computer simulation? Scientists debate

Believe it or not, one of the latest debates among scientists today is whether the universe we live in is a sophisticated simulation. Vaah! That's...
univerisity education essential?

High university degrees and foreign education essential for a leader?

This write-up is the result of a video clip, a part of which I recently happened to watch. Although carefully presented, the video was...
Galaxies - Representational image

Another setback for scientists – Previously thought number of galaxies turns out to be...

It is said that making mistakes is human but blaming others for the mistake is even more human. The question is, who it is...
Akshaya tritiya wishes

Did you know this about Akshaya Tritiya?

Generally known as a Hindu auspicious day, akshaya tritiya holds a much greater significance for the entire human society. Due to this, many great...

Lord Shiva – Myth or Master?

A text wherein the author described, in his own way, the significance of Lord Shiva's different attributes like the snake around his neck, the...
Kartik month ghee lamps

Month full of Dancing – What makes Kartik month so special?

We have heard of people dancing on the new year day, on birthdays, in clubs and in parties. Such dancing lasts for a day...

Not only Milk, Cows Give Water

The title above is not about your 'skimmed' watered-down milk  or the excess milk that safe, happy and healthy cows drop on grazing lands...

Science confirms Life on the Sun

Who on the Earth ever thought that life can exist on the Sun? As soon as the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) received...

A tiny tribute to my childhood friends – The house sparrows

I vividly remember that chik, chik, chik, chik of those little lovely birds, during early mornings at our home, flying swiftly from one corner...


Immortal words of Lord Krishna in a Soul-lifting slideshow

Immortal words of Lord Krishna is a series of stunning slides produced from Lord Krishna's timeless instructions to His dear devotee Arjuna in Bhagavad...
Jayapataka Swami

Sri Mayapur ISKCON celebrates His Holiness Jayapataka Swami’s 68th appearance day

ISKCON's Sri Mayapur center saw an unprecedented crowd in the temple on the 68th appearance day, called Vyas puja, celebration of His Holiness Jayapataka...

Lord Balarama – Understanding God’s elder brother

We know God is the one who created all of us. Fine, but then how come we hear that He has father, mother and...

Reasons why UK’s National Health Service is in danger

Where are the Britons heading after they voted to leave EU? The recent reports on the National Health Service (NHS) is worrying enough especially...

The causeless mercy of the Srimad Bhagavatam

Whose home does Srimad-Bhagavatam choose? The home of one who's been raised through and through in the Bhagavata culture? Or one who outright rejects the Vedas'...