Resolution for a healthy year and healthy life ahead – Turn to Ayurveda


Everyone wants to be healthy and wishes us a happy and healthy new year, every year, but how many of those who we wish healthy life remain healthy in real sense of the term? Not that we don’t wish them a good health, but more important than sending a formal wish is to also let them know how to get and stay healthy by consuming healthy food and living a healthy lifestyle.

Last year we saw how in a 11-country survey of older adults, Americans turn out to be sicker, and a few days back we read why obesity in US keeps rising despite so-called healthy diets. Mind you, this is after seeing an unprecedented attention given to health, and a considerably huge amount of money spent by the medical industry.

What is wrong? The reason is too simple to accept but it, nonetheless, remains the prime reason behind today’s alarmingly deteriorating health condition across the world. As with many other so-called unsolvable problems, here also the answer lies in the ancient books of India. Yes, I am talking about Ayurveda.

Unfortunately, Ayurveda has been systematically ignored or criticized by a certain class of people and the reasons are not difficult to understand.

“The global pharmaceuticals market is worth US$300 billion a year, a figure expected to rise to US$400 billion within three years. The 10 largest drugs companies control over one-third of this market, several with sales of more than US$10 billion a year and profit margins of about 30%. Six are based in the United States and four in Europe. It is predicted that North and South America, Europe and Japan will continue to account for a full 85% of the global pharmaceuticals market well into the 21st century. Companies currently spend one-third of all sales revenue on marketing their products – roughly twice what they spend on research and development.” (Source)

The obvious question is, where will the thriving pharmaceutical industry in these countries go if the simplicity with which ayurveda cures even today’s incurable and terminal diseases becomes known to more people?

ayurveda1The good news is, they are wise enough to turn to ayurveda, and ancient ayurvedic treatments and home remedies that once seemed to be disappearing are now becoming buzzwords when it comes to health.

We thought of sharing with you the following 10 ayurvedic resolutions for 2016, suggested by Madhavi Radhod, for having a healthy year ahead. Start with what you eat and how it is consumed.

1. Use a tongue cleaner. 

Did you know that each part of the tongue is connected to a bodily organ? Thus utilizing a tongue cleaner removes the toxins which have accumulated overnight and stimulates the organs in the morning, so that they function more optimally. Upon rising, brush your teeth and scrape your tongue,  before ingesting anything. A stainless steel tongue scraper is good for all threedoshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.  Kapha people can also use copper tongue cleaners.

2. Gargle with sesame oil or an Ayurvedic mouth oil.

To strengthen the teeth and gums, to help with TMJ, and deter from the appearance of wrinkles, swish some oil around in your mouth for 5-10 minutes. Do so after you brush your teeth and scrape your tongue. After swishing the oil around, you can spit it out.  Massaging your gums afterwards will be even more beneficial

3. Add turmeric to your diet.

Turmeric is one of the most healing spices in your pantry. It’s anti-bacterial, a blood purifier, as well as a great digestive, among many other qualities.  You can start the day (after brushing your teeth and scraping your tongue) by having a glass of warm water with ½ – 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder.  You can utilize turmeric when cooking your vegetables or lentils.  Turmeric is also available in tablet and tincture form.

4. Oil massage.

Are you plagued by constant dryness? Rather than looking for the best moisturizer on the market, address the cause internally.   The dryness is inside the body, and that is where it needs to be alleviated.   Doing an oil massage, or abhyanga, and then taking a warm shower allows the oil to penetrate into the skin and help relieve the dryness inside.  For oil massage, you the proper oil to suit your doshic imbalance, a warm Vata massage oil,a cooling Pitta massage oil, or an invigorating Kapha massage oil.  Make sure you use a bath mat, as the tub and shower get slippery with the oil.  An injury could really aggravate the doshas!

5. Pranayama.

Looking for more vitality? Are you a shallower breather? Do you get nasal congestion easily? Do you want to learn some simple methods to cool down or warm up? If the answer to any of the previous questions is yes, then add some pranayama or breathing exercises to your daily routine. There are various types of pranayama which have a multitude of health benefits. My Ayurvedic teacher, Dr. Vasant Lad, has a very informative dvd, which anyone can follow.  The appropriate use of each technique is also discussed.

6. Eat when hungry.

Ayurveda advises that we listen to our body and eat when we are hungry, and not just for the sake of social graces.  On the other end of the spectrum, Ayurveda also stresses that we should not suppress our natural urges, including the need for food.  Don’t get so caught up in your busy lifestyle that you forget or neglect to nourish your body!  If you aren’t feeling hungry, use a spice mix in your cooking to stimulate your agni, or digestive fire.

7. Avoid frozen foods and leftovers.

According to Ayurveda, anything over 24 hours old loses its prana  (life force).  Microwaving kills the prana immediately.  Ayurveda advocates eating freshly prepared food.  Resolve to start cooking more.  If  you are what you eat, then wouldn’t you rather be a nourishing warm meal than a cold leftover?  It’s a medical fact that anything below our body temperature constricts our capillaries.  Constricted capillaries make it more difficult for nutrients to proper flow through our body.  Thus, assimilation, absorption, and digestion is impaired. Cold increases Vata dosha. Resolve to start cooking more. Take Ayurvedic supplements to help facilitate your digestion. Vata suffers from gas and bloating. Pitta gets acidity and heartburn.Kapha is prone to slow digestion.

8.  Use Ayurvedic body and hair care products.

Our skin is our largest organ and it is exposed to countless toxins in our environment daily.  Use Ayurvedic soaps to clean your body.  Apply an Ayurvedic skin balm topically.  Use the proper Ayurvedic shampoo and conditioners for your doshic hair type.  Take Ayurvedic supplements which nourish your hair as well as your skin.

9. Follow a regular schedule.

A key Ayurvedic health tip to allow the body to live in harmony with nature is to create natural cycles within the body. This includes having the same times daily for rising, eating, sleeping, exercising, working, etc. The more that we honor the cycles of time and allow our body to acclimate to them, the more our body will be able to support us.  Keeping erratic schedules deranges Vata dosha.

10. Learn the best foods for your current constitutional balance, and eat accordingly.

One of the best Ayurvedic health tips is to eat right for your current constitutional type, or your vikruti.  If you eat what your body needs, rather than what your mind craves, you are on the road to more vitality and improved health. This simple free quiz is a good start.  A personalized Ayurvedic health consultation will provide you with additional guidance about how to best structure your diet, lifestyle, and daily routine. Then you can truly keep these top 10 Ayurvedic resolutions for 2016 and look forward to good health. (

Have healthy new year! Good health helps the mind stay focused and a focused mind can achieve better results than a mind which is all over. Yes, turn to Ayurveda, the medical science given personally by the creator of our bodies.


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