Save More Time This Year – 8 practical ways


Scarcity of time has always been an issue for the modern men and women. I am not an exception either although I don’t like to count me among modern men for a whole lot of good reasons. Perhaps some of you are like me who would like to live a peaceful life in a serene and sacred rural area, like Sri Mayapur, but are not able to fulfil that dream due to that frustrating lack of time and pressing obligations.

Well, there is a hope. There was a time when I was one of you. I had to struggle hard to find time to read some spiritual literature or even visit a nearby Temple, although on the other hand, I was easily able to find time in reading newspapers, watching TV, and visiting friends. Yes, Srila Prabhupada’s books had certainly made an impact on my thought process and I was seriously contemplating on my next course of action, it was an eye-opening question by a passing by gentleman, who was a regular visitor of a Hare Krishna temple, that made me put my thoughts into action. He asked me if I would be allowed to say “I don’t have time” if I were to be summoned by death. Having some basic understanding of spiritual life and of the inevitable future leading one to death, I made sure the next Sunday I visited the Temple and spent enough time there. It turned out to be a life-changer for me.

The fact is, we have got used to thinking that we are busy. Hardly do we think whether the business that we have in our mind is a valid one. A recent blog by Joanne Tombrakos, published on Huffington Post, naturally caught my attention:

It’s a good excuse. At least they think so. Digital, which was supposed to make our lives so much easier has ironically served to make us more time challenged than ever before. Instead of simplifying, new technology distracts, thus compounding this feeling of time deprivation, leaving us wasting even more of this precious commodity by wallowing in frustration over all that time we don’t have.

It’s a vicious cycle. But it can be stopped. The first thing to do is accept the fact that time is not something you “find.” This is not a search and rescue mission. The time is there and in equal proportion for all of us. It’s what we choose to do with our allotments.

The carefully listed eight interesting points, on which she confidently elaborates, would make sense to anyone, especially to those who do get caught up with what she points out.

1. Put Down That Smart Phone.
2. Get Up A Half Hour Earlier Every Day.
3. Unsubscribe.
4. Use A Timer.
5. Turn Off The Alerts!
6. Use Your DVR.
7. Be Bold And Try A Digital Detox
8. Think Outside The Box

Read full story 8 Ways To Create More Time In 2015|Joanne Tombrakos


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