What is that strange creature caught on CCTV?


Tiny ‘alien’ caught on CCTV cameras as it floats around in mid-air then strolls down street – Mirror Online

A bizarre creature filmed ‘hovering’ in the street has caught the eye of conspiracy theorists – who believe it could be an alien. The odd object was reportedly filmed by CCTV cameras in Diyarbakir, Turkey, before the video was shared thousands of times online.

The grainy footage shows the weird creature, only thought to be about a foot tall, moving slowly around the street. At one stage, the creature rises into the air, appearing to hover there for several seconds before landing back on the road.

Unsurprisingly, it didn’t take long for YouTube viewers to start guessing what the creature was, with some claiming it was simply an oddly-shaped balloon. But others weren’t so convinced: “Wow!!! I say no way that’s a balloon.” Another said the creature cold be extra-terrestrial, writing: “Look, it’s an alien!” Tiny ‘alien’ caught on CCTV cameras as it floats around in mid-air then strolls down street – Mirror Online

Check it out for yourself. It could be anything.


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