Here they go again- Ghost of Big Bang haunts scientists


Last time they tried it and thought they made it. Then came controversies and debates. Some scientists said they got what they were looking for and others said they found something else. That made the issue more smoky. It had to be.

Now they are ready with a bigger machine. The refit includes higher energy beams and voltages, new magnets and an overall examination of the wiring of the underground LHC tunnel that runs 27km long. God particle is not what they are running after this time. Besides taking another look at the Big Bang theory, the new run will be for the search of ‘dark matter’ which, they say, makes 96 per cent of the universe.

Not an issue for them, after all, as it’s only a question of another few thousand man hours, and a few millions dollars of the tax payers. Rest assured, at the end of this mission they will again have more questions and confusion about the origin of the universe. Seriously. And the irony is, they call it scientific progress. Why on earth this people have to waste time, money, energy and what not for something that is already mentioned in the Vedic scriptures? Not only mentioned but also proven since ages.

krishna universeAll calculations presented in the Vedas about planetary systems are verifiably accurate. The method of creation explained in there is also precisely scientific and understandable for any renowned main stream scientist, especially those who are conversant with quantum mechanics, anti-particle and such other theories. What they have found in last few decades is merely a tiny part of the vast information given in the Vedas.

What is needed for a productive research is, study the Vedas. So far the governments of the world do not get this straight they will keep going on with the ongoing rat race. This will continue until they accept the authority of the Vedic scriptures and take shelter of the creator of the universe. They already have been realizing that there is a lot to learn for them from ancient Indian scriptures. Now is time they honestly admit it and stop wasting resources.

World’s largest Hadron collider restarted : News Digest

Cern, Europe’s particle physics research centre, has restarted their Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The LHC is also called the ‘Big Bang’ LHC because it may just be able to solve the mysteries of how the universe was created. The restarting of the collider signifies a new journey into discovering ‘dark matter’.

The machine had previously shut down two years ago for a refit. The refit includes higher energy beams and voltages, new magnets and an overall examination of the wiring of the underground LHC tunnel that runs 27km long. Complete checking of the four major detectors and multiple magnets of the collider was also conducted.

The second run of the collider hopes to break out of the ‘Standard Model’ of how the creation of the universe occurred at the elementary Physics level, and into ‘New Physics’. The new run will also be for the search of ‘dark matter’ which makes 96 per cent of the universe. The ‘dark matter, however, can only be found in the effect it has on visible matter like planets and galaxies. (Read full at  World’s largest Hadron collider restarted : News Digest)


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