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Today Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur’s Appearance day

Today is the most auspicious appearance day of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti-siddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Prabhupada. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura (1874–1936) was the spiritual...

“Says Chanakya Pandit” – New series

Although Chanakya, the great thinker and philosopher, also known as Chanakya Pandit,  Rishi Chanakya, Acharya Chanakya, and Arya Chanakya, need no introduction, yet for...

New Series – Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is

Every practicing devotee, at one point in life, finds the need to know more about Mayapur, dive deeper into its timeless glories, and realize...

Three more Categories added by Mayapur Voice

Honoring suggestions from its readers, Mayapur Voice has named three new titles to its list of Categories today. Kids campus: Srila Prabhupada emphasized on children education....

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MAYAPUR VOICE maintains this site (the “Site”) for the purpose of helping people with information, education, enlightenment, entertainment, and communication. You may download material...

About Mayapur Voice

Mayapur Voice, with its all-inclusive vision, is a relentless mission to inspire integrity and promote purity across all sectors of society. We strive to...

Are we personal or impersonal? An Introspection

This title is still available. Click on the title to know more about it. If you wish to write an article on this or...

Editorial Policy

Mayapur Voice, a first of its kind media cum blog service in Sri Mayapur, strives to uphold the highest principles of ethical journalism, ethical...

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How to determine authenticity of online content

As a parent you may be proud of your school-going child for being an expert at finding information online. How often do you suspect...

Why vegetarian food improves mental health

A recent study says by 2020, depression will rank as the second leading cause of disability, after heart disease. It is found that half...
where to start

What to do when you do not know where to start

Life is not always straightforward as we wish it to be. To some, life is a well planned journey with a defined goal and...
why fear

The surest way to get rid of any fear, for good

Have you experienced fear at any stage in your life? Do you think fear can make one do certain things and prevent from doing...
need for animal shelters

Need for Animal Shelters in India

The presence of large number of animals that roam the streets of villages and cities in India is unfortunately the result of lack of...