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Vasant Panchami das

Vasant Panchami das

BhaktiAi: A Gateway to Srila Prabhupada’s Teachings for the Digital Generation

Here is an exciting announcement! I am delighted to introduce BhaktiAi, a powerful preaching tool that is now operational within ChatGPT, the most advanced and...

Simply Thinking, High Living? Godless Civilizations

We as devotees know that Lord Krishna owns everything in the universe including this planet, however there are many who want to act as...

Agnotology and how it misleads people

Agnotology (formerly agnatology) is the study of culturally induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data. It was coined...
great reset

Fracking, 4th Industrial Revolution and the Great reset

You might have heard of the 4th Industrial revolution and it is going to change the way we live, a paradigm shift from todays...
agriculture water

Water! Water! Water!

Water, Water – And you thought the Corona Crisis was Bad! I managed an organic farm in Gujarat in 2017, sustainability was a major feature...

Cows are vital for Sustainable Agriculture

It has become alarmingly apparent that commercially farmed soils around the world are lifeless and inert. This is because of our total dependence on...

“Reject them. Reject them immediately!”

Scientists admit they were wrong. Millions have died as a result of this mistake. In 2014 TIME Magazine published on its cover recanting a very...

Is Darwinian Theory obsolete?

The Darwinian theory was central in the separation of church doctrine and the State/Politics/Leadership as it offered an alternative to creation by God and...

Unemployment – Defect of the modern civilization

Srila Prabhupada assessed any situation with utmost clarity and on the platform of truth. Here is just one example of his great ability to...

Not only Milk, Cows Give Water

The title above is not about your 'skimmed' watered-down milk  or the excess milk that safe, happy and healthy cows drop on grazing lands...


Science confirms Life on the Sun

Who on the Earth ever thought that life can exist on the Sun? As soon as the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) received...

Tools to win over critics

Instead of avoiding critics how about winning over them? It's likely that they will end up becoming your fans one day although they may...

Philosophy of effective leadership – Check your list

A quote from Mr Disney caught my attention. He said "When values are clear decisions are easy.”  Profound, isn't it? Decision making is an...
Bhagavad Gita, a part of Mahabharata

Did you know this about Gita Jayanti?

In present days, the word "jayanti" is loosely used for someone's birthday. However, this word is not meant for mortal beings. What most people...
The Lion Guru

Why a Guru is duty bound to accept lofty praise and worship

Srila Bhakatisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, hailed as the Lion Guru by those who know his strikingly bold presentation of Vedic philosophy, especially the teachings of...