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Team Mayapur Voice

Team Mayapur Voice

Celebrating Lord Sri Balarama Appearance day

Many of us know Sri Krishna Janmastami, but not all of us know that just seven days before Janmastami comes the appearance day of...

Book distribution transforms a celebration into a perfect sankirtan party

Book distribution has always attracted those who want to attract Srila Prabhupada's mercy. Devotees at ISKCON know how Srila Prabhupada emphasized on this particular...

Hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam from the Right Source

Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the great preacher of the principles of Srimad-Bhagavatam, has stressed the importance of association with sadhus, pure devotees of the...

Chanakya Pandit on Goodness

The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind but the goodness of a person spreads in all directions. Chanakya Pandit

Deriving strength from the right source

So we may be harassed for the time being, but Krsna will save. This is saranagati. Avasya rakhibe krsna visvasa palana. The saranagati means,...

A Book distribution story

Today was the first day I went on Sankirtana in more than a month. I went from Australia, to Malaysia, to Taiwan, to L.A....

Always remember Krishna. Never forget Krishna.

Simply our prayer should be, My dear Krishna, please remind me to always chant Your Holy Name, please do not put me into forgetfulness....

Did you know this about Srila Prabhupada?

Do you know that His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada is the only person in the known history of this planet to...

Aims and Objectives

Our motto is to help humankind where they need it the most. We realize that this can be easily achieved by presenting to them...

ISKCON a Hindu movement?

This title is available. if you are interested to share your thoughts on this topic, go ahead and pen them down. We will be...


Connecting Emotions, Health and Spirituality

Lately we have been hearing varied opinions on how emotions, positive and negative, affect one's health. A decade or two back, if someone made...
News agencies in India

Anti-Modi news agencies and what they need to learn

Chanakya Pandit says that out of the two- a snake and an envious person- the envious person is more dangerous than the snake because...
Beneath Antarctica ice

Colorful world found beneath the ice of Antarctica – More in store

As modern scientists continue to be amazed at the increasing mysteries of the universe, Australian researchers have added to it by capturing video clips...

Earthquakes on Steroids? Stop blaming the Earth!

How many earthquakes? What's wrong with the Earth? Don't surprise if scientists remain clueless as ever. They will keep looking at their machines to ascertain...

Another slap on the face of Big Bang theory

Scientists will have to wait longer to find out what kicked off the Big Bang. Last spring, a team of astronomers who go by...