Reasons why UK’s National Health Service is in danger

It is no surprise that political leaders who gave big promises and boasted great life after Brexit are now walking away. If NHS cannot run hospitals, who will suffer? Those who steered the movement must have enough financial resources to deal with it. The pressure will be felt mainly by the middle class and poor.


Where are the Britons heading after they voted to leave EU? The recent reports on the National Health Service (NHS) is worrying enough especially for those who depend on it. People who voted for Brexit feel betrayed as leaders who steered the vote are seen walking away from them not wanting to take responsibilities for the aftereffects.

NHS chiefs warn that hospitals in England are on the brink of collapse

The body that represents hospitals across England has issued a startling warning that the NHS is close to breaking point because of its escalating cash crisis. Years of underfunding have left the service facing such “impossible” demands that without urgent extra investment in November’s autumn statement it will have to cut staff, bring in charges or introduce “draconian rationing” of treatment – all options that will provoke public disquiet, it says. In an unprecedentedly bleak assessment of the NHS’s own health, NHS Providers, which speaks for hospital trust chairs and chief executives, tells ministers that widespread breaches of performance targets, chronic understaffing and huge overspends by hospitals mean that it is heading back to the visible decline it last experienced in the 1990s.

“Taken together this means the NHS is increasingly failing to do the job it wants to do and the public needs it to do, through no fault of its own,” Chris Hopson, the chief executive of NHS Providers, writes in the Observer…. Hospitals-on-brink-of-collapse-say-health-chiefs-The Gardian

It is no surprise that political leaders who gave big promises and boasted great life after Brexit are now walking away. If NHS cannot run hospitals, who will suffer? The leaders who steered the movement must have enough financial resources to deal with it. The pressure will be felt mainly by the middle class and poor.  It seems that the aftereffects of Brexit will not end with NHS failure in providing health care.

Brexit camp abandons £350m-a-week NHS funding pledge

Leaders of the cross-party campaign that persuaded the British people to leave the EU have dropped their pre-referendum pledge of a £350m-a-week spending bonanza for the NHS. Many of those who headed the Vote Leave campaign, including its former chair, Labour MP Gisela Stuart, and Michael Gove, the Tory former justice secretary, are re-forming this weekend, creating a new pressure group called Change Britain… Brexit-camp-abandons-350-million-pound-nhs-pledge – The Gardian

National Health Service is not to be blamed really although overspending is certainly an issue. If we look at the trend for last few decades, Brexit also cannot be blamed. It is not only UK or Britons who are facing the heat. The world economy is infected with an almost incurable diseases. The disease is, they have rejected natural agriculture and farming.

NHS leaders say it is running short of funds
NHS leaders say it is running short of funds

It is a myth that the current technological revolution will make a better world. A bigger medical industry means better health is another myth. We just read how in the United States medical errors are causing havoc.  Similar scenario is seen almost everywhere.

Then they say the poverty felt is due to over population. This is plain nonsense. Earth is big enough and its resources are more than what the whole world needs. What they do by promoting the over-population myth is promote another industry, family planning products. This leads to yet another problem and the world is thus constantly pushed towards increasing miseries.

“The completely bewildered material civilization is wrongly directed towards the fulfillment of desires in sense gratification. In such civilization, in all spheres of life, the ultimate end is sense gratification. In politics, social service, altruism, philanthropy and ultimately in religion or even in salvation, the very same tint of sense gratification is ever-increasingly predominant. In the political field the leaders of men fight with one another to fulfill their personal sense gratification.” (SB 1.2.10 purport)

Today the world leaders are going after military build up, lavish space missions, and deceitful diplomacy but none of them will save them if they do not turn their heads towards God and surrender to His supremacy. If they do not do it the voters should reject them as it is the political leaders whose wrongful actions based on atheistic principles affect the mass. At the same time, no one can blame others if the lifestyle one lives is not based on godly principles.


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