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All about India. Includes both spiritual and material topics.

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Serious about Happiness? This information can change your life

Ever been unhappy in your life? How much did you work to get there? No one works hard to get unhappy but it nonetheless...

Swine Flu – Ayurvedic viewpoint and cure

As the news updates on swine flu continue to make headlines in India, it is important that people also know how swine flu is...

What can the Judiciary do when the Bosses are corrupt

If you noticed, during the last few years a good number of scandals have come to light in India. There have been several revelations...
animal slaughter and law of karma

Animal slaughter as livelihood? Unheard of in a civilized society

Following the recent nationwide ban on the sale of animals for slaughter, Indian government is facing protests in a few states where animal slaughter...

As America gets sicker, researchers say Vegetarianism could cut global warming

As the world goes on spending big on trying to tackle global warming, reports have surfaced stating America is hit hard by man-made global...