ISKCON Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Prabhupada’s Leaving for U.S.
ISKCON is ramping up for its mega 50th anniversary celebrations, with events to be held all over the world throughout the year 2016. These...
In a 11-country survey of older adults, Americans turn out to be sicker
A new survey was released November 19 as a Web First by Health Affairs, called "International Survey Of Older Adults Finds Shortcomings In Access,...
One step closer to Vedic version of extraterrestrial life
Before we read what the modern scientists have recently said, let us see what Srila Prabhupada said quoting Bhagavad Gita, spoken by Lord Krishna...
NASA speculates Black hole may be producing mysterious particles
Although too far from the reality, NASA's latest speculation does remind me of a few verses from the Brahma samhita, the prayer by Lord...
Study says disgusting things turn people into liars; cleanliness promotes ethical behavior
The good news is that modern researchers have now come to understand that cleanliness, which is, according to the Vedic scripture, one of the...
Exposing pseudo sadhus is a service to humanity
Recently I wrote an article on how ethics are important in spiritual life and how a saintly person, or sadhu, also needs to follow...
The Gita In A Nutshell – A must read
Ever wished you had a genuine version of the Gita that you can read in a few minutes, and read it even daily? You...
Nectar drops from Sri Tattva-sutra by Bhaktivinod Thakur
All glories to Madana-mohana, who is eternal and full of knowledge and bliss. He is dear to the saintly devotees, and He is an...
Krishna consciousness does not exclude mundane ethics; it goes beyond them
It is observed over and over again that many religious and spiritual leaders tend to take their popularity for granted and indulge in acts...
Are we so far removed from Vedic culture?
Recent events have partially confirmed a suspicion that I was having, that many of us are so far removed from Vedic ideals that we...
Stop that arrogance by all means! Let India progress
There are reasons I am making an exception today to my preferred policy of not giving opinions on political parties. What we saw during...
Lord Balarama – Understanding God’s elder brother
We know God is the one who created all of us. Fine, but then how come we hear that He has father, mother and...
Mayapur devotees celebrate the appearance day of their Most Beloved Srimati Radharani
Sri Janmastami is celebrated with much grandeur all over the world, because it is the birthday celebration of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself....
Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is – 6
One particular sloka, or verse, touched the innermost corner of my heart as I began my journey into the interiors of Mayapur's mystical nature...
What does the Mexico earthquake tell us?
Number of Earthquakes is on the rise across the world. Killings 100s, sometimes 1000s, and making tens of thousands homeless, these earthquakes stand to...