Criticism – Don’t hate it; deal with it

We say we welcome constructive criticism. The question is, who decides if the criticism is constructive or not? Not everyone can easily see  good in...

Celebrating Lord Sri Balarama Appearance day

Many of us know Sri Krishna Janmastami, but not all of us know that just seven days before Janmastami comes the appearance day of...

Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is -3

If the state government were to announce today that anyone who has lived in India for six months will get one million gold coins...

What to do when we realize we are wrong

It wouldn't be an overstatement to say that everyone makes mistake. In fact people are bound to make mistakes as that is how human...

Space life without any personal space in our life!

Space technology has certainly become a household name in the recent days. Many nations (developed, developing and underdeveloped) possess their own Space programs and...