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Articles having permanent or timeless value.

Chemical aided agriculture Vs Natural ecosystems

For decades now factory produced fertilizers have been praised as the greatest gift to farmers.  But the negative after effects of such artificial interventions by men...

Learning more about Sri Krishna on Janmastami day

Did you ever ask yourself why, if Krishna was born only some 5000 years ago, His Name appears in Vedas and Puranas, which are...

Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is -2

Welcome back! One more book that has made a lasting impression on my mind is Navadwip Dham Mahatmaya by Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur.  After briefly...

Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is -1

"Do you know Mayapur? Yes! Have you been to Mayapur? So many times! Wait a minute-which Mayapur are you talking about? The one that...

Mayapur Meditation

I look outside my window and see the tall Kadamba tree blossoming with beautiful Kadamba flowers all over. This is the first in this...

Did you know this about Srila Prabhupada?

Do you know that His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada is the only person in the known history of this planet to...

Financial security – Are we joining the bandwagon?

Today, the world has come to a stage where practically every person is made to believe, or compelled to think, that unless he has...


Science confirms Life on the Sun

Who on the Earth ever thought that life can exist on the Sun? As soon as the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) received...
milky way galaxy

Scientists puzzled – Milky Way is different from what they previously thought

There are numerous theories presented by modern scientists on what exactly the Milky Way galaxy is, how it behaves and how its behavior can...
Jayapataka Swami

Sri Mayapur ISKCON celebrates His Holiness Jayapataka Swami’s 68th appearance day

ISKCON's Sri Mayapur center saw an unprecedented crowd in the temple on the 68th appearance day, called Vyas puja, celebration of His Holiness Jayapataka...
need for animal shelters

Need for Animal Shelters in India

The presence of large number of animals that roam the streets of villages and cities in India is unfortunately the result of lack of...

Connecting Emotions, Health and Spirituality

Lately we have been hearing varied opinions on how emotions, positive and negative, affect one's health. A decade or two back, if someone made...