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Articles having permanent or timeless value.

Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is – 5

Recently a friend disturbed my firmly rooted illusion. He asked some group members to reveal what attracts them the most about Sri Mayapur. A...

Here they go again- Ghost of Big Bang haunts scientists

Last time they tried it and thought they made it. Then came controversies and debates. Some scientists said they got what they were looking...

Is Darwinian Theory obsolete?

The Darwinian theory was central in the separation of church doctrine and the State/Politics/Leadership as it offered an alternative to creation by God and...

New discoveries bring more bewilderment for the scientists

And here is one more "previously thought" wrong idea. What makes it more interesting is, this time the scientists have come up with a...
Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva – Going beyond myths

In India there is a considerable misunderstanding about Lord Shiva. So much so that people with poor fund of knowledge, claiming themselves to be...

Another slap on the face of Big Bang theory

Scientists will have to wait longer to find out what kicked off the Big Bang. Last spring, a team of astronomers who go by...

Why you should not have any doubt in Vedic science

The difference between belief and knowledge is, a belief is based on assumptions and experiments but knowledge is based either on experience or on...

Art of speaking bitter truth

Ever came across a situation when you felt a pressing need to say something but did not say fearing the other party would get...

Is Hinduism not a Religion?

I was surprised when I came across a politician's comment on Hinduism. He said that the word Hindu does not figure in Vedas and...

The causeless mercy of the Srimad Bhagavatam

Whose home does Srimad-Bhagavatam choose? The home of one who's been raised through and through in the Bhagavata culture? Or one who outright rejects the Vedas'...


Nataraja as source of Indian temple dance

Divine purpose of ancient Indian Temple dance

The Natya Shastra of Bharatmuni describes the divine origin of classical dance. As Lord Brahma created the fifth Veda by incorporating the “Pathyam” or...

Controversy over Taj Mahal’s origins comes into National limelight

The controversy over the origins of Taj mahal has gone political with Uttar Pradesh BJP chief Laxmi Kant Bajpai on Sunday saying that Mugal...

Is Darwinian Theory obsolete?

The Darwinian theory was central in the separation of church doctrine and the State/Politics/Leadership as it offered an alternative to creation by God and...
panihati chida-dahi festival

Why Panihati chida-dahi festival is known as the festival of punishment

Panihati is the name of a village located in the state of West Bengal, on the banks of River Ganges (10 miles north of Kolkata)....
being positive

Being positive? Run this self test

Being positive is a buzzword these days. Thanks to the new era when on one hand people are degrading, on the other hand some...