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Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is -1

"Do you know Mayapur? Yes! Have you been to Mayapur? So many times! Wait a minute-which Mayapur are you talking about? The one that...

Why ISKCON turning 50 is a milestone achieved for humanity

When the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, ISKCON, or the Hare Krishna movement, was founded in 1966, hardly did anyone believe that it would spread...
Gaura Purnima - Lord Chaitanya showing He is non-different from Sri Sri Radha-Krishna

Gaura Purnima – The day Lord Krishna descended as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Commonly known as Holi, the day of phalgun purnima is celebrated around the world by ISKCON and other Gaudiya vaishnavas as Gaura Purnima as...

Study says disgusting things turn people into liars; cleanliness promotes ethical behavior

The good news is that modern researchers have now come to understand that cleanliness, which is, according to the Vedic scripture, one of the...

Mundaners can never understand Radha and Krishna

Radhastami is the appearance day of Srimati Radharani, the divine pleasure potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna. Below is the transcription...