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Mayapur devotees celebrate the appearance day of their Most Beloved Srimati Radharani
Sri Janmastami is celebrated with much grandeur all over the world, because it is the birthday celebration of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself....
Science confirms Life on the Sun
Who on the Earth ever thought that life can exist on the Sun? As soon as the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) received...
Will the Large Hadron Collider Find the Unknown Anti-physics Particle?
Got used to hearing these things? I did, and for a good reason. Good not only because science is advancing but because it's advancing...
In a 11-country survey of older adults, Americans turn out to be sicker
A new survey was released November 19 as a Web First by Health Affairs, called "International Survey Of Older Adults Finds Shortcomings In Access,...
Art of speaking bitter truth
Ever came across a situation when you felt a pressing need to say something but did not say fearing the other party would get...