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Is India awaiting a massive earthquake?

Scientists suspect that a massive "fault" could trigger a cataclysmic earthquake beneath Bangladesh, parts of east India and Myanmar. The hidden fault, which has been...
pathmeda flood

Real reason for Pathmeda Goshala tragedy

Pathmeda is famous for having Asia's biggest goshalas, or cowsheds. The organization shelters thousands of cows and raises funds from various cow products.While it...

What do the new World Records by ISKCON show?

In June 2015, on the first of its kind Yoga day, the world witnessed a magnificent display of Yoga in New Delhi when it...

Mundaners can never understand Radha and Krishna

Radhastami is the appearance day of Srimati Radharani, the divine pleasure potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna. Below is the transcription...

Knowing more about Lord Sri Balarama on His Appearance day

We know Lord Krishna and Krishna Janmastami but not all of us know much about Lord Balarama, or Balaram, the transcendental elder brother of...