Vedic wisdom

Covers a wide area of articles and stories based on and about the Vedic scriptures. Links for online reading and downloading books.

Jammu and Kashmir floods – What went wrong?

Just a few days back the headlines in all Indian newspapers were filled with the news of Jammu and Kashmir floods. A devastating flood,...

It is extremely difficult to give up the desire for honour, fame, distinction and...

Very few people know the extraordinary contribution of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur to the revival and reestablishment of Lord Sri Chaitanya's mission on this planet....

What can the Judiciary do when the Bosses are corrupt

If you noticed, during the last few years a good number of scandals have come to light in India. There have been several revelations...

Lesson from the Pune landslide tragedy

As per the latest reports, out of around 200 persons feared trapped under debris after a massive landslide hit the tribal village of Malin...


Earthquake: Another alert from the agents of Nature

Earthquake is not an accident. Let us not shy away from stating that It is more of a well calculated action by the agents...

New discoveries bring more bewilderment for the scientists

And here is one more "previously thought" wrong idea. What makes it more interesting is, this time the scientists have come up with a...

Light from smartphones lowers sleep hormone

Here is one more compelling reason why parents should not allow kids to use smartphones, tablets and video games, especially before bedtime. With a recent...

As America gets sicker, researchers say Vegetarianism could cut global warming

As the world goes on spending big on trying to tackle global warming, reports have surfaced stating America is hit hard by man-made global...

Cow protection is not all about religious sentiments – It’s equally scientific

If you read one of our previous posts on how cows are wonder creatures for maintaining ecological balance on the planet and how products made...