Congratulations India! Government imposes nationwide ban on sale of cows for slaughter

Those who say that banning cow slaughter will harm country's economy need to drink some pure Indian breed cow milk in order to freshen up their corrupt intelligence. They have lost their vision as their assumptions are based only on illusory benefits. The historical prosperity of India was due to its cow protection culture. There is no doubt that India will surpass China and the rest of the world if her citizens, the Indians, continue to support cow protection moves.


This, indeed, is a welcome news for a civilized country like India.  Continuing with its 3-year old tradition of fulfilling reasonable public expectations, the Narendra Modi government has finally banned the sale of cows and other cattle for slaughter.

Last month, the Supreme Court had asked explanations from the Centre and six Indian states on the increased instances of vigilantism and violence in the name of cow protection. The new ban is expected to discourage such incidents.

cow sale for slaughter banned“In a new regulation for animal trade in the country, the government has allowed cattle trade only among farm land owners. The report said that the first central regulation for cow protection in the name of animal welfare was notified on Thursday. “Take an undertaking that the animals are bought for agriculture purposes and not for slaughter,” says the special section for cattle in the rule notified under Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act of 1960.

“The report stated that the provision says that cattle bought cannot be resold within six months impinging the business of cow traders. Cattle can be sold only to a person having documents to prove he is an ‘agriculturist’, the rule says. The rules, to be implemented in next three months, prescribes about 30 norms for animal welfare in markets, including water, fans, bedding, ramps, non-slippery flooring, veterinary facility and separate enclosure for sick animals.” –

On one hand the BJP government is working round the clock to improve Indian economy, Indian pride and Indian mindsets, on the other, there are some pathetic elements who try to find faults even in what may be universally praiseworthy. This is most unfortunate. It wouldn’t surprise if such elements incite unrest in the country.

There are opinions coming in how this ban will impact the livelihood of poor farmers. Such short-sighted opinions often get promotion on paid news channels and media agencies as their sole aim is to get handsomely paid by foreign agencies for publishing their views. It is a no-brainer that foreigners will not want India to progress. What these news agencies, reporters and authors fail to realize is, by influencing Indians with anti-India views they are committing unforgivable offenses against India’s interest. Although now re-emerging, today’s weak India is a proof of how it was indirectly ruled by foreign governments for decades.

The biggest challenge India faces today is, our political parties have become insanely corrupt over last few decades where leaders are shamelessly defending cow slaughter in the name of human rights. By this they have reached new heights of insensitivity towards animals rights. –Cow protection and the vigilantes – What’s there in PM Modi’s mind?

Some weird ideas floated on certain anti-Modi and Congress-friendly news channels suggest that stopping cow slaughter will hit Indian economy. This people need to drink some pure Indian breed cow milk in order to freshen up their corrupt intelligence. Theirs is the same old baseless assumption. Such people have lost their vision as their assumptions are based only on illusory benefits.

A good number of brilliantly written articles, surveys and statistics show how protecting cows, even one cow, can generate considerable to huge amount of wealth in a short period. All it takes is learn the art.

India’s historical prosperity was due to its cow protection culture. The present culture of making money from cow slaughter is not only cruel but also nonsensical from economics point of view. There is no doubt that India will surpass China and the rest of the world if her citizens, the Indians, continue to support cow protection moves.


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