Cow protection is not all about religious sentiments – It’s equally scientific


If you read one of our previous posts on how cows are wonder creatures for maintaining ecological balance on the planet and how products made out of cow milk, cow urine, and cow dung are hygienically beneficial to human beings, you will not surprise to know how, now more organisations have come forward presenting scientific proofs of such claims.

“Organisations inspired by the Sangh have been claiming that there are scientific benefits from cow protection and looking into possible uses of products from the cow, ranging from idols of deities made up of the five products of the cow (panchgavya) to…” (Read RSS now cites scientific reasons for cow protection)

Not only that, there are people who stand guards to protect cows. While this may need to be regularized in a way it doesn’t create communal hatred, it is undoubtedly an act of intelligence to do something to protect cows. Protecting cows directly translates in protecting the planet.

Although the author of the below mentioned article seems to be completely missing the point I don’t agree with his viewpoint, the reason I am attaching the below article here is to show how there are people committed to protecting cows.

A night patrol with India’s cow protection vigilantes men leap out of the darkness at a fork in a lonely village crossroad well past midnight. It is a bright, moonlit night, pregnant with the promise of a frosty winter. The landscape is etched with silhouettes of hills and trees. Now more than a dozen A night patrol with India’s cow protection vigilantes

But there are sad incidents when those wanting to protect cows have been gunned down. This is a shame, to say the least.

Gunmen kill man who ran cow protection organisation in Gurgaon A cow shelter owner was fatally shot here on Wednesday after unidentified people fired at him thrice from close quarters, a senior police officer said. Sandeep Kataria, who ran Gau Raksha Dal in the millianium city, was rushed to a private Gunmen kill man who ran cow protection organisation in Gurgaon


On the other hand, news like the following one should be welcome unreservedly by one and all. In fact, there is no law which is tough enough for cow killers. Such acts must be stopped.

10-yr jail, 1 lakh fine: What Haryana’s tough cow protection law says March this year, the Haryana Assembly unanimously passed a new cow protection law, among the most stringent in the country, making cow slaughter punishable with rigorous imprisonment up to 10 years, and a fine of Rs 1 lakh. This is what the Haryana … 10-yr jail, 1 lakh fine: What Haryana’s tough cow protection law says

“The personality of Godhead is perfect and complete. Because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as a complete whole. Whatever is produced of the complete whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the complete whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance.” (Sri Isopanishad, Invocation)

Again, it is true that cow protection has a direct link with ecological harmony. This is not an assumption but a proven fact experienced by almost all ancient civilizations. It is only a question of time that this will again become known to the modern, misguided civilization.



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