ISKCON devotees celebrate Lord Jagannath Snan yatra


On the auspicious day of jyesht purnima ,  which falls this year on Monday, June 20, 2016, ISKCON Baroda will observe the ancient festival of the Jagannath Snan yatra.  The festival will be observed in the garden in front of the ISKCON temple at 10:15 AM.

In the Skanda Purana it’s mentioned that the Snan yatra is one of the twelve main festival observed in the temple of Lord Jagannath.  When Raja Indradyumna obtained the Sri Vigrahas of Jagannath, Baladev and Subhadradevi from Lord Brahma on jyesth purnima, he arranged for a grand abhishek (snaan) for Their Lordships.

Because of this every year a grand Snan yatra festival is observed at Puri.  In order to inspire devotion in His devotees the Lord enacted the pastime (lila) of becoming sick after the bathing.  Therefore, every year at Puri the temple closes for two weeks, and ayurvedic herbs are offered to Lord Jagannath so that he will regain his health!  The after the temple reopens the Lord enacts the Jagannath Rathayatra festival.

Following this ancient tradition of Jagannath Puri, Orissa, ISKCON Baroda will observe this festival on jyesht purnima, 20-6-16, at 10:15 AM as mentioned above, and all are welcome to come observe the transcendental bathing ceremony and thus participate.

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Snan yatra at Sri Mayapur

In connection with the 50th anniversary of the establishment of ISKCON (1966 – 2016), that is being observed worldwide this year, one thousand (1,000) food items will be offered to Lord Jagannath after the Snan yatra.

The offerings will be placed in a large pandal in front of the temple here, and distributed to the public thereafter.   All are welcome!

Jagannath Ratha yatra will be held on Wednesday, July 6, 2016, aka Aashadi bij/Ashaadh shukla dvitiya.


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