What’s next? Donald Trump ascends to the White House as America’s 45th President

The challenge faced by President Trump is unprecedented with the current establishment set to leave no stone unturned in its attempt to fail him. A campaign to impeach president Trump has already begun.


Donald Trump During sworn in ceremonyIt has finally happened. Donald Trump is America’s 45th President. In no uncertain terms. this is the most uncertain moment for America’s future. While the mainstream media has portrayed Donald Trump as a radical, firebrand leader still in his infancy as a national leader, who often goofs up and doesn’t know how to behave, there are others, in millions, not only in America but in the world, who believe Donald Trump has the potential to prove his critics wrong.

Someone compared the situation with that of India’s, prior to 2014 national elections; how the world, including India media, painted Narendra Modi as a fundamentalist, a Hindu fanatic and enemy of Muslims, and what he turned out to be once he took the Prime Minister’s office. I do not wish to compare the two leaders nor do I think there is much to compare in them including their election manifesto, their pre-election claims and their personalities, but the point being made is, we cannot rely upon today’s media especially when it comes to politics.

One thing that I must appreciate in Donald Trump is his confidence. I remember reading one of his statements before the elections. He had said that he does not contest to lose. He proved it. Whether Russia helped him win or not is a debatable issue. What is undebatable, however, is, with him as the president, America is clearly divided into two parties; Trump supporters and Trump protesters.

The challenge faced by President Trump is unprecedented with the current establishment set to leave no stone unturned in its attempt to fail him. A campaign to impeach president Trump has already begun. The bitterness is at its peaks, so much so that CNN host Wolf Blitzer was reported to have presented a segment that pondered on what would happen if Trump was killed at Friday’s inauguration ceremony. On the other hand, Alex Jones’ InfoWars published a report stating “Terrorists Target The Biggest Stage In The World” and said “if something happens, the corrupt establishment is to blame.”

Will Donald Trump be able to lead America? Will he be allowed to do so? Whether he will prove his critics wrong or will he turn out to be a terrible failure? Hardly anyone can answer these questions today but one thing is sure- the world is going through a massive change. While India had clearly voted for the leader, Narendra Modi, the citizens of America seem to have voted more for a change than for any individual. Again, only time will say whether the change is for good or for worse. Meanwhile we hope that people of the world will embrace a more civilized way of life.

Society without God consciousness is a society of animals. Rapidly degrading cultural values across the world is the biggest threat to human society. Regardless of who rules nations and who follows which religion, what is more important is, they follow their religion religiously, without interpretation. This will open the doors to peace and harmony among all human beings.

Trump takes office, vows an end to ‘American carnage’ – Washington Post

https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-takes-office-vows-an-end-to-american-carnage/2017/01/20/4b2677d8-df4e-11e6-acdf-14da832ae861_story.htmlDonald John Trump was sworn in Friday as the nation’s 45th president and delivered a fiery nationalist manifesto that promised a populist restoration by stripping power from Washington’s elites and ending an era of “American carnage.” Framing his … Trump takes office, vows an end to ‘American carnage’ – Washington Post

Donald Trump’s inaugural address was a stirring call for national unity and a declaration of war against the establishment in Washington, D.C.

Donald TrumpThe speech was vintage Trump: politically incorrect, critical of both parties, amped up, biting, strongly delivered, and wildly ambitious. Anyone who believed Trump would change his beliefs or style when he assumed the office of the presidency was proven wrong. He’s not going to change. And he’s not going to let up… Donald Trump’s inaugural address was a stirring call for national unity and a declaration of war against the establishment in Washington, D.C. – InfoWars



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