If Trump and Kim can leave the past behind and be happy, You also can!

When you realize that there is no point in hanging onto some grudge, anger or hurt, and want to leave the past behind but aren't able to, it is time to identify the barriers carefully and work on them with due diligence.


Are you holding against someone and wish you weren’t? Life can be tricky. Things people don’t want to hang onto often keep bothering them and things they want to hold onto almost always abandon them leaving behind traces of different tastes. Sometimes the traces are violently bitter and other times they are sweet, yet full of sorrow. In either case, if you are willing to leave the past behind and move on with life, rest assured that you are on the right track and can happily succeed if you follow the right path.

Strange, but this time the lesson comes from two politicians, the Presidents of the United States and North Korea. In what is termed as a historical handshake, Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un met on the island of Sentosa in Singapore during the North Korea summit. The two leaders signed a joint statement committing to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

You must be knowing how they exchanged words just a few months back; it was one of the most unconventional public communications between the leaders of two nations. Nonetheless one could rate it as more productive than those cunningly conveyed, politically correct communications which eventually mean nothing. Whatever it was, the point here is, how to leave the past behind and move on with life for a brighter future.

trump and kim leave the past behind
In what is termed as a historical handshake, Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un gesture on the island of Sentosa in Singapore

When you realize that there is no point in hanging onto some grudge, anger or hurt, and want to leave the past behind but aren’t able to, it is time to identify the barriers carefully and work on them with due diligence. Some of the barriers could be:

  1. Your own false ego that makes you think that leaving the past behind means accepting defeat
  2. Your subtle desire to fight it out and make the opposite party come to senses
  3. Ill-advisers who do not want you to be peaceful
  4. Those who want you to be peaceful but may be afraid of losing their share of benefit or importance if you let the things go
  5. Those who are your friends and well wishers but lack required wisdom or foresight
  6. Your past karma which entangled you in a particular situation and may not let you be peaceful as you don’t deserve it yet

I can write volumes on each of these topics but doing so would defeat the purpose of giving credit to Presidents Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un for leaving the past behind, shaking hands, walking together and sharing a desk, apparently in an attempt to bring peace to the world.

I believe both of them had to face a lot more hurdles, more than what we know from published reports, before coming together. It is also possible that the whole affair is an eyewash for political purpose or for some selfish motives benefiting either USA or North Korea or both or the parties behind the meeting. The possibilities are innumerable if you sit and analyse the dynamics involved, but let us focus on what is considered good outcome at the moment. As Donald Trump says– the meeting between the two leaders has ended the threat of nuclear war. At least for now.

Back to the point, if they can leave the past behind why can’t you? It is said when there is a will there is a way. You might find many obstacles as mentioned above but if your desire is strong and if you decisively work on it you can also leave the past behind against all odds.

Remember, thinking is different from willing. You may be thinking to leave the past behind but may not be willing to. Thinking is done by the mind. Once the mind does its job, the next step is to get it approved by the intelligence. Once that is done, the ego comes into picture and that is the toughest part. So deal with all these carefully.


Yes there are chances one may be trying to leave the past behind prematurely without proper deliberation. Do not hurry. It may not be the right time to call it a day but make it a point to work in that direction. Forgiving others needs inner strength. Forcefully forgiving is unwise and can emotionally backfire. At the same time sentimentally forgiving miscreants could do them more harm than help. It could also leave others vulnerable to be victimized by such miscreants. Give serious thoughts to these points.

Ultimately it is God who is the actual judge. We are simply going through the reactions of our previous karma and, while struggling to live happily, creating new set of karma which bind us to our future.

You are not just a lump of flesh, blood, bones, bile, urine and so on as the so-called science would want you to believe. You are an individual person, the soul, living within the body. There is a systematic management of the body done by mind, intelligence, false ego and the soul. And on top of all, there is Paramatma, the super soul, who approves souls desires as without His permission, the nature cannot act.

Do not, for your own sake, be under illusion that you can do whatever you want to and get away with its negative outcome. Only fools promote such bizarre ideas. You must have noticed that many of the things your mind thinks are rejected by the intelligence. And many of the things your intelligence agrees with are not done because your false ego intervenes and stops it. And even when everything seems fine, you still aren’t able to achieve it. Hmm… There is a whole subtle science behind these activities and you as a human being need to know it for a meaningful life. When one’s consciousness is purified by various spiritual practices prescribed in the holy scriptures one is able to conquer over senses including the mind. This in turn awards one the real happiness in real sense of the term.


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